Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

hol­­ly-spi­­rit-cha­­pel / Cazu Zegers Architecture

Pro­get­ti­sta  María del Car­men Zegers
Loca­tion  Cal­le La Colo­nia, Puen­te Alto, San­tia­go, Región Metro­po­li­ta­na, Chile
Desi­gn Team  

Cazú Zegers

Anno  2008
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

EXT 01.jpg — Guy Wenborne
EXT 02.jpg — Guy Wenborne
EXT 03.jpg — Guy Wenborne
EXT 04.jpg — Guy Wenborne
EXT 05.jpg — Guy Wenborne
INT 01.jpg — Daniel Pinilla
INT 02.jpg — Daniel Pinilla
INT 03.jpg — Daniel Pinilla
INT 04.jpg — Daniel Pinilla
INT 05.jpg — Daniel Pinilla

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The Church is desi­gned for a poor com­mu­ni­ty in a peri­phe­ral nei­gh­bo­rhood of San­tia­go. The church is the sha­pe of the com­mu­ni­ty, and this com­mu­ni­ty is joy­ful, gene­rous and hard wor­king. They wan­ted the buil­ding to have a cir­cu­lar spa­ce with the altar clo­se to the peo­ple and wide aisles to meet.
A sin­gle ascen­ding wall gene­ra­tes the archi­tec­to­nic gestu­re that sha­pes the church; it revol­ves around itself without clo­sing com­ple­te­ly, to wrap us and con­nect us with the divi­ne, ope­ning towards the light with a cen­tral sky­light that sym­bo­li­zes the light of Chri­st. The walls come toge­ther until a small expan­sion that lets the light come in, like the hands of God wel­co­ming the community.
The mol­ding that sha­pes the con­cre­te needs a high level of tech­ni­cal kno­w­led­ge in order to achie­ve the con­ti­nuous cur­ves requi­red by the desi­gn, without chan­ging the true natu­re of the sha­pes, given that the fini­shing mate­rial is the con­cre­te itself. The lami­na­ted wood beams that defi­ne the cen­tral sky­light, struc­tu­re the roof without ver­ti­cal columns inter­rup­ting the spa­tial con­ti­nui­ty. Struc­tu­ral­ly, they also divi­de the buil­ding in two, and even thou­gh the cha­pel expe­ri­men­ts a high tor­que, its beha­vior in the sei­smic Chi­lean ter­ri­to­ry has been impeccable.
The ther­mic com­fort is achie­ved by holes in the peri­me­ter of the floor and ope­nings in the sky­light that allow the air to flow during hot sum­mer days. A lat­ti­ce system gives the spa­ce the acou­stic com­fort neces­sa­ry to enter a sta­te of con­tem­pla­tion, prayer and reve­ren­ce, whe­re we should not have sound rever­be­ra­tion, even thou­gh the con­cre­te and the sha­pe of the cha­pel would make it so. This pro­ject was done with gene­rous resour­ces, which trans­la­tes into its great spa­tial qua­li­ty; thanks to this it beca­me an archi­tec­to­nic sta­te­ment of social tran­sfor­ma­tion. Enhan­cing the self-esteem of an enti­re com­mu­ni­ty which even now days mani­fests a strong con­nec­tion with the church, belie­ving that it is miraculous.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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Foto inter­ni

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