Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

st-tri­­ni­­ta­­tis-lei­p­­zig / Schulz und Schulz

Pro­get­ti­sta  Pro­fes­sors Ansgar und Bene­dikt Schulz
Loca­tion  Non­nen­mue­hl­gas­se 2, 04107 Leip­zig (D)
Desi­gn Team  

Prof. Ansgar Schulz, Prof. Bene­dikt Schulz
Chri­stian Wischal­la, Bodo Roß­berg, Lothar Wol­ter, Mat­thias Hönig,
Kar­sten Lieb­ner, Peter Gaf­fron, Jana Gal­li­tsch­ke, San­dra Nestroi,
Flo­rian Hei­land, Ste­fan Wei­ske, René Bütt­ner, Tho­mas Gohr

Anno  2015
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

All pho­tos: © Simon Menges

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The bene­dic­tion of the church ended the odys­sey of the Leip­zig parish com­mu­ni­ty that has lasted over seven­ty years. Its per­ma­nent return to the cen­tre of the city is mani­fe­sted in the con­struc­tion of the new Tri­ni­ta­tis church.

The new church is deve­lop out of the orga­ni­sm of the sur­roun­ding city. It obtains its pre­sen­ce throu­gh its high church hall, church tower and invi­ting open­ness of the parish cour­tyard. In a pro­mi­nent loca­tion across from the New Town Hall the Tri­ni­ta­tis church forms a clear­ly distin­gui­sha­ble edge along the city cen­tre ring. The parish cour­tyard was cut into the area bet­ween the two high­poin­ts of the church hall and church tower to crea­te a new cen­tral mee­ting location.

The Tri­ni­ta­tis church is pri­ma­ri­ly cha­rac­te­ri­sed by light, spa­ce and mate­rial. With its inte­rior height of over 14 metres, the church hall ena­bles a trans­cen­dent spa­tial expe­rien­ce that is fur­ther inten­si­fied by the lar­ge sky­light loca­ted in 22 metres high. Day­light of vary­ing inten­si­ty falls from this along the rear wall of the altar in the church hall and defi­nes the atmo­sphe­re. Ano­ther impor­tant ele­ment is the lar­ge ground-level church win­dow that pro­du­ces com­mu­ni­ca­tion bet­ween the world of the pro­fa­ne and the realm of the sacred. The church hall is situa­ted cros­swi­se and crea­tes suf­fi­cient room for the arran­ge­ment of the com­mu­ni­ty in an open sur­roun­ding area who­se opti­cal and sce­no­gra­phic cen­tre is the chan­cel. Par­ti­tions sepa­ra­ting the com­mu­ni­ty were eli­mi­na­ted, addi­tio­nal­ly ope­ning the chan­cel as a mul­ti­di­men­sio­nal spa­ce usa­ble for various forms of liturgy.

With its buil­ding enve­lo­pe made of maso­ned Rochli­tz por­phy­ry, the church ack­no­w­led­ges its region and tra­di­tion (the old Bene­dic­ti­ne Prio­ry in Wechselburg/Saxony late 12th-cen­­tu­­ry). The pro­jec­tions and reces­ses in the hori­zon­tal laye­ring of the various heights con­vey the rich tra­di­tion of the regio­nal archi­tec­tu­re into an inde­pen­dent con­tem­po­ra­ry buil­ding of par­ti­cu­lar emo­tio­nal value.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

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