Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

doshi­­sya-kyo­­ta­­na­­be-cha­­pel / Facet Studio

Pro­get­ti­sta  Yoshi­hi­to Kashiwagi
Loca­tion  Kyo­to, JAPAN
Desi­gn Team  

Yoshi­hi­to Kashiwagi
Koi­chi Kashiwagi
Oli­via Shih
Euge­ne Wu

Anno  2015
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

Dai­chi ANO

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Chri­stians con­sti­tu­te of mere 1% of Japan’s popu­la­tion. We belie­ve that the­re are fun­da­men­tal dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween cha­pels at coun­tries whe­re Chri­stia­ni­ty is the majo­ri­ty, and whe­re it is the mino­ri­ty such as Japan; the buil­ding of cha­pel needs to sati­sfy dif­fe­rent requi­re­men­ts in a con­text not tra­di­tio­nal­ly fami­liar with Chri­stia­ni­ty. Moreo­ver, Doshi­sya Kyo­ta­na­be Cha­pel is built on uni­ver­si­ty cam­pus in Japan –a uni­ver­si­ty foun­ded on Chri­stian moral but with mostly non-Chri­­stian students.
We con­si­de­red that a cha­pel should be an exi­sten­ce clo­se to people’s eve­ry­day lives. In this con­text, a con­ven­tio­nal cha­pel with enclo­sed walls will no doubt fur­ther iso­la­te itself from its sur­roun­ding. Thus we pro­po­sed a Cha­pel with lar­ge ope­ning facing the outsi­de world, so peo­ple can sen­se the insi­de of the Cha­pel without even ente­ring – for exam­ple by sim­ply wal­king throu­gh the Cam­pus Pas­sa­geway. From the Stu­dent Loun­ge on the oppo­si­te side, peo­ple can also look into the Cha­pel and under­stand the acti­vi­ties within.
The Water Fea­tu­re sand­wi­ching the Cam­pus Pas­sa­geway crea­tes a public spa­ce which is casual, but holy; it is an extraor­di­na­ry spa­ce within the ordi­na­ri­ness. By having this Water Fea­tu­re, part of the Cha­pel is exter­na­li­zed and its acti­vi­ties highly visi­ble, for the Cha­pel to natu­ral­ly beco­me part of the stu­den­ts’ dai­ly acti­vi­ties. It is impor­tant for the Cha­pel to reach out per­si­sten­tly to the peo­ple, in order to beco­me part of their eve­ry­day lives.
Evi­den­tial­ly in Western coun­ties among­st the you­ths, Chri­stia­ni­ty is beco­ming less and less rele­vant. This could be the result of redu­ced inte­re­st towards the reli­giou­sness of Chri­stian acti­vi­ties; howe­ver, can it be pos­si­ble that the desi­gn of the cha­pels does not encou­ra­ge the sen­se of rele­van­ce and sym­pa­thy bet­ween Chri­stia­ni­ty and the you­ths? Our desi­gn approach may not be the only reso­lu­tion, howe­ver, a cha­pel desi­gn that pro­mo­tes clo­se­ness to eve­ry­day life will beco­me increa­sin­gly impor­tant for the modern society.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

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