Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

auto­­bah­n­­ki­r­­che-sie­­ge­r­­la­n­­dau­­to­­bahn-church-sie­­ge­r­­land / schneider+schumacher

Pro­get­ti­sta  Michael Schumacher
Loca­tion  Elker­sberg / 57234 Wilnsdorf
Desi­gn Team  

Michael Schu­ma­cher, Hans Esch­mann, Ker­stin Högel, Ale­xan­der Volz, Ragu­nath Vasu­de­van, Elmar Lorey, Jana Heidacker

Anno  2013
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

Jörg Hem­pel (JH 2271- 33, 35, 53, 57, 80, 83, 98, 106)
Helen Schif­fer (Helen Schi­f­­fer- 08, 10)

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

In March 2009 schneider+schumacher won a com­pe­ti­tion run by the För­der­ve­rein Auto­bahn­kir­che Sie­ger­land e.V. Buil­ding work began in March 2011. The con­se­cra­tion and ope­ning of this buil­ding, Germany’s 40th Auto­bahn church, took pla­ce on 26 May 2013.
The three-dime­n­­sio­­nal trans­la­tion of the church pic­to­gram – a sty­li­sed whi­te silhouet­te of a tra­di­tio­nal vil­la­ge church – can be seen from both the motor­way and the ser­vi­ce sta­tion. From clo­­se-up the church appears to grow out of the hill­si­de and visi­tors enter it via a rai­sed wal­k­way lea­ding to a cove­red entran­ce. Once insi­de, con­tra­ry to the expec­ta­tions rai­sed by the exte­rior of the buil­ding, the desi­gn of the inte­rior comes as a sur­pri­se. The inner dome opens up to the natu­ral­ly lit area around the altar, illu­mi­na­ted only from abo­ve throu­gh the two church spi­res. The fili­gree woo­den vaul­ting also displays a fine­ly wor­ked cross-rib­­bed structure.
The plan of the new Auto­bahn church con­sists of a squa­re nave with two cor­ner towers and an access brid­ge from the sou­th­we­st. All the outer walls are for­med in tim­­ber-fra­­med con­struc­tion. The tim­ber roof and wall ele­men­ts are cavi­­ty-insu­­la­­ted. The inner and outer faces of the tim­ber mem­bers are clad with panels of OSB. The walls of the brid­ge are half-tim­­be­­red and the access brid­ge floor con­struc­tion is clad on both sides with dou­­ble-faced OSB. The enti­re faça­de of the church and the con­nec­ting brid­ge was sprayed with whi­te polyu­re­tha­ne damp-proo­­fing material.
Once insi­de the vaul­ted entran­ce, the inner dome opens up to the altar. This area is natu­ral­ly illu­mi­na­ted only via the church tower abo­ve. Within the pre­do­mi­nan­tly squa­re ground plan, semi-cir­­cu­­lar areas crea­ted by the inner dome at the edges allow the areas that lie outsi­de the visitor’s line of vision to be used as a sacri­sty and as sup­ple­men­ta­ry spa­ces e.g. for chair storage.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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Foto inter­ni

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