Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

return-of-genius-loci / vn‑a

Pro­get­ti­sta  Tuan Dung Nguyen
Loca­tion  Ka Don, Don Duong, Lam Dong, Vietnam
Desi­gn Team  

vn‑a visual net­work art architecture
Dipl.-Ing. Thu Huong Thi Vu
Dipl.-Ing. Tuan Dung Nguyen

Anno  2014
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

KA-VNA-pe-001.JPG: vn‑a (Nam Phan)
KA-VNA-pe-002.JPG: vn‑a (Nam Phan)
KA-VNA-pe-003.JPG: Robert Herrmann
KA-VNA-pe-004.JPG: Robert Herrmann
KA-VNA-pe-005.JPG: Robert Herrmann
KA-VNA-pi-006.JPG: vn‑a (Huy Bui)
KA-VNA-pi-007.JPG: Robert Herrmann
KA-VNA-pi-008.JPG: Robert Herrmann
KA-VNA-pi-009.JPG: vn‑a (Nam Phan)
KA-VNA-pi-010.JPG: vn‑a (Nam Phan)

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Which kind of tem­ple should I build to the Lord becau­se the who­le world is the work of his hands?
The inten­tion of being home with a huge roof for the folk leads us to the vision of the desi­gn. Loca­ted alo­ne on top of a hill with the stret­ching fore­st sur­roun­ding, the church immer­ges itself into this poe­tic land­sca­pe. Only the cross is rai­sed up by the bell tower. The actual litur­gi­cal church inte­rior is for­med by the lar­ge roof, as a meta­phor of the sky roof, which shar­ply boun­da­ry abo­ve 2000 squa­re meters repre­sen­ts a fur­ther exten­sion for 5000 pari­shio­ners under the pro­tec­tion of God. Under the sha­dow of the veran­da chil­dren can play and learn the cate­chi­sm in both dry and rai­ny sea­son. Insi­de of the church, the fili­grant columns defi­ne adap­ta­ble litur­gi­cal spa­ce from the small to huge volu­me. Rhy­th­med with the small wood laths and the columns, natu­re lets itself to feel insi­de of the church throu­gh its trans­pa­ren­cy. Won­der­ful sce­ne­ries of Lord: the sun, moon, wind, fog, red earth, stars, rain…are the jewel­ries of the church. Glass panels bet­ween two layers of wood laths pre­vent the strong wind and let beau­ti­ful land­sca­pe reflec­ted on wall ele­men­ts. With the highly fle­xi­bi­li­ties of all the clas­srooms, which are around of the main litur­gy room, and the huge veran­da the litur­gy spa­ce can be expen­ded to a capa­ci­ty of more than 3000 peo­ple. The altar is the sacred fixa­tion, the who­le pla­teau is holy, and the parish is the church. 

“… As if in light and sha­dow, insi­de and outsi­de, pro­tec­tion and width the com­mu­ni­ty can con­gre­ga­te and cele­bra­te their faith befo­re God … that your church-being is not only limi­ted to the buil­ding itself, but it finds many dif­fe­rent expres­sions in a vibrant community.” *
*(Extract from the gree­ting by Arch­bi­shop Rai­ner Maria Car­di­nal Woel­ki from Colo­gne to con­se­cra­tion of the parish church Kadon on 07/13/2014)

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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Foto inter­ni

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