Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

luka­skir­che / AAg Loeb­ner­Schä­fer­We­ber Freie Archi­tek­ten GmbH

Pro­get­ti­sta  Ste­fan Loebner
Loca­tion  Heidelberg
Desi­gn Team  

AAg Loeb­ner­Schä­fer­We­ber BDA Freie Archi­tek­ten GmbH, Hei­del­berg, Germany

Anno  2011
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

all pho­tos by Tho­mas Ott, Hei­del­berg, Germany

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The selec­ted mate­rials are con­cre­te, wood, metal and glass.
They are used in a way that they are able to reval their cha­rac­ter making it lite­ral­ly tan­gi­ble and fami­liar by its usa­ge: authenticity.
Fur­ther­mo­re the­re ist the form, that on the one hand is fol­lo­wing the pos­si­bi­li­ties of the mate­rials and on the other hand is giving a fra­me and expres­sion to the idea of the spa­ce. And the­re is the light, the most impor­tant mate­rial and with it the colour. It “tunes” the spa­ce and gives it its tone.
The litur­gi­cal area — inclu­ding church, cha­pel, vestry, room for con­fes­sion and the room for the chil­dren — is cir­cum­ci­sed by a wall made of red colou­red con­cre­te. This slightly cur­ved wall, with its mass and stea­di­ness, embra­ces the inner area with a pro­tec­ti­ve gestu­re, outli­ning the cen­tral pla­ce of the ensem­ble. Out of it the church rises as a high, woo­den sculp­tu­re with a coar­se shell of larch. The inte­rior sur­fa­ces are cove­red in woo­den boards as well. The focus is on the shi­ni­ness and warmth of the cand­les ontop of the altar, the walls and roof form the abi­ding ves­sel for this.
A homo­ge­neous, grey con­cre­te floor binds all areas toge­ther, it forms the mode­st back­ground for the actual events.
Sepe­ra­ted from the struc­tu­re of the church by a gap of light the­re is a grey con­cre­te slab lying on the smal­ler litu­gi­cal rooms and the com­mu­ni­ty hall with its side rooms.
The faca­de of the com­mu­ni­ty area ist mostly trans­pa­rent and allo­ws a con­nec­tion bet­ween the com­mu­nal life and the public. Straight sha­pes, grey con­cre­te and glass are predominating.
The resi­den­ce with its sto­ny base of grey con­cre­te and its also coar­se, woo­den shell, forms the coun­ter­part of the church.
The site is model­led with mate­rial of the Rhi­ne plain: gra­vel, sand­sto­ne, con­cre­te, wood, wil­lo­ws, gras­ses, shrubs and water. The colour­ful­ness of natu­re dominates.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici