Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

valer-church / sivi­lar­ki­tekt espen sur­ne­vik as

Pro­get­ti­sta  Espen Surnevik
Loca­tion  Våler — Hed­mark — Norway
Desi­gn Team  

sivi­lar­ki­tekt espen sur­ne­vik as

Pro­­ject-archi­­tect Espen Sur­ne­vik MNAL (1973)

Cola­bo­ra­ting arti­st for the; resu­r­­re­c­­tion-frie­­ze, arti­st Espen Die­tri­ch­son (1976)

Anno  2015
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

Rasmus Nor­lan­der

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

After a fire Våler church is brin­ging back the lost cen­ter­point for belief to the peo­ple of Våler. The church is made of the forests which sur­rounds it, and from the mate­rials which has fed the local com­mu­ni­ty for generations.
The church is crea­ted as a respon­se to the local land­sca­pes and its histo­ry. At the same time its inspi­red by the long inter­na­tio­nal tra­di­tion of church-archi­­te­c­­tu­­re in a for­ward poin­ting expres­sion. Two towers gestal­ts the inner cere­mo­nial spa­ces. The low roofs defi­ne the sup­por­ting functions.
A fle­xi­ble plan allo­ws the church to be used in many ways, also for cul­tu­ral even­ts. As an ana­lo­gy to the old cross-church, the plan is based on a qua­drat with four can­ti­le­ve­red oriels poin­ting north, south, east and west. The pro­­ce­s­­sion-axis stret­ches dia­go­nal trou­gh the plan, and con­nec­ts the cere­mo­nial rooms in one order as a con­trasts to the ortho­go­nal building.
The pro­ject inve­sti­ga­tes how the new chur­ches can be a sui­ta­ble church-cul­­tu­­ral-are­­na but in a monu­men­tal way. The inte­riors are desi­gned as warm and inclu­ding spa­ces for the cold win­ters. In the 24m high chur­chroom, the “resu­r­­re­c­­tion-frie­­ze” reflec­ts natu­re and the sea­sons on the outsi­de. The frie­ze is sym­bo­li­zing the Halo of Chri­st by its sha­pe and light. At the same time the poin­ted ends remind us about the cro­wn of thorns.
Win­do­ws on top of both towers, crea­tes a rela­tion bet­ween hea­ven and the cere­mo­nial rooms. A black cross pro­jec­ts a sha­dow on the walls of the chur­chin­te­rior as the sun pas­ses over the sky, and mani­fests that the sym­bo­lic cross is immo­va­ble. The cross is con­struc­ti­ve, and remo­vel will destruct the dome.
The bap­ti­smal font, from 1160, was rescued from the fire. It now cro­wns the church’s inte­rior and bring Vålers tra­di­tions on to eve­ry new­born child in the community.
Våler church is a histo­ry of a peo­ple which lost their most belo­ved buil­ding, but mana­ged to turn dar­k­ness into light by resur­rec­ting their church. Light is its main the­me, and sym­bo­li­zes opti­mi­sm and hope.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici