Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

don-bosco-church-in-mari­­bor / dans arhitekti

Pro­get­ti­sta  Vla­t­ka Ljubanovic
Loca­tion  2000 Mari­bor, Engel­so­va uli­ca 66
Desi­gn Team  

Dans arhi­tek­ti: Rok Boga­taj, Miha Deš­man, Eva Fišer Berlot,
Vla­t­ka Lju­ba­no­vić, Kata­ri­na Pirk­ma­jer Dešman

Anno  2015
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

Miran Kam­bic
Lan­gu­so­va uli­ca 64
4240 Radovljica

pho­ne: +38641514742

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The Don Bosco Church is part of a new parish cen­tre under the Poho­r­je Mas­sif. The Reli­gious Com­plex is desi­gned as a clo­sed buil­ding island. The buil­ding itself is a clear­ly arti­cu­la­ted rec­tan­gu­lar archi­tec­tu­ral mass with an intro­ver­ted cen­tral cour­tyard with the nave and the bell tower rising abo­ve it.
Upon ente­ring the con­tem­pla­ti­ve cour­tyard ador­ned by an old lin­den tree the church sud­den­ly beco­mes visi­ble across the por­ti­co. At a glan­ce one can feel the extent of the nave from the ground over the roof of the lower part of the com­plex all the way to the cor­ni­ce that repre­sen­ts a crown.
The nave is the pla­ce for intro­ver­ted con­tem­pla­tion the­re­fo­re the only view out is towards the sky. The most sacred pla­ce is thus mar­ked by an inten­se expe­rien­ce of light.
Vivid natu­ral light emit­ting from the round sky­light inter­fe­res with dif­fu­sed light of the nave. More soft natu­ral light is coming from behind the pre­sby­te­ry and the rear choir. This sim­ple yet so com­plex desi­gn allo­ws the buil­ding to trans­cend its phy­si­cal pre­sen­ce, beco­ming a mere con­tai­ner of light.
The oval peri­me­ter of the nave fea­tu­res hori­zon­tal late­ral reces­ses, which hou­se the cha­pel with the taber­na­cle, entran­ce to the sacri­sty, con­fes­sio­nals, side and rear choirs and a pla­ce for com­mu­nion prayers. The­se ope­nings indu­ce a fee­ling of pea­ce­ful rota­tion around the cen­tral oculus.
The church sea­ts 300 peo­ple on woo­den ben­ches, the floor is cove­red mas­si­ve oak wood floor whi­le 100 hand­ma­de clay lamps form the hori­zon above.
Taber­na­cle is a trip­tych with outer wings vei­ling the cen­tral cabi­net. It opens in two sequen­tial steps: when the wings are clo­sed, they reveal a floa­ting gold rec­tan­gle. Upon ope­ning the two side wings the inte­rior with the myste­rious light sour­ce – the eter­nal light — is revea­led. The inner taber­na­cle is ador­ned with a pre­cious icon – for­mer taber­na­cle doors from the Basi­li­ca of Our Lady Help of Chri­stians, in Turin, which was built by John Bosco.

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