Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

igre­­ja-var­­zea / Fcc Arquitectura

Pro­get­ti­sta  Ana Loureiro
Loca­tion  Lar­go da Igre­ja de S. Jor­ge de Vár­zea, Felgueiras
Desi­gn Team  

Ana Lou­rei­ro
Fer­nan­do Coelho

Anno  2009
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

FG+SG Fer­nan­do Guerra

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

It was pro­po­sed to the stu­dio FCC archi­tec­tu­re, the inte­rior reno­va­tion of an exi­sting Catho­lic church in Fel­guei­ras, Portugal.

“It was sculp­ted a spa­ce insi­de the exi­sting buil­ding, such as a cap­su­le that turns off from the outsi­de world … that makes us look beyond what we see, that cau­ses us to stop and feel”

The old church, built by the hands of the peo­ple for more than 30 years ago has been reco­ve­red, making it more func­tio­nal, modern and wide, impro­ving the acou­stics and the com­fort of spa­ce. It was inten­ded to build a new church within the old.

The church holds 500 peo­ple in a sin­gle body. The fir­st dra­wing outli­ne is engra­ved on the door and por­trays “the moun­tain as a pla­ce of the mani­fe­sta­tion of God”, and this sen­ten­ce also sum­ma­ri­zes the who­le pro­ject and is reflec­ted to the cuts and sha­pes that defi­ne the inter­ven­tion. The insi­de of the church allu­des to the moun­tains, pre­sent in the Bible as mee­ting pla­ces with the divine.

The form was deve­lo­ped to take sha­pe and life, respon­ding to the chal­len­ge of a vital struc­tu­re of an orga­ni­sm. A kind of buil­ding, or form, which takes shel­ter within the exi­sting building.

Cor­ru­ga­ted roof of a new skin in the insi­de, allo­wing the entry of light throu­gh many holes with unsha­ped form, remi­ni­scent of water droplets.

The enti­re con­struc­tion was deve­lo­ped in pla­ster­board, which rests on a base in estre­moz mar­ble, coa­ting with sto­ne, the lower level of the walls, appea­ring in a sym­me­tric form.

The altar, the bap­ti­smal font, and the cross of Chri­st, were made by the sculp­tor Pau­lo Neves, who car­ved fin­ger­prin­ts in the pie­ces, giving a mysti­cal iden­ti­ty to the spa­ce, the same way that invi­tes reflec­tion and medi­ta­tion by refe­ren­ce to the spi­rals, which are always pre­sent in his work.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

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