Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

church-sun-pu / TAI­RA NISHI­ZA­WA Archi­tec­ts CO.LTD.

Pro­get­ti­sta  Tai­ra Nishizawa
Loca­tion  15–1, Aioi­cho, Aoi-ku Shi­­zuo­­ka-shi, Shi­zuo­ka, 420‑0838, Japan
Desi­gn Team  

1.architects : Tai­ra Nishi­za­wa Archi­tec­ts (Tai­ra Nishi­za­wa and Hiroyu­ki Unemori)
2.Mechanical engi­neer : Kan­kyo Engi­nee­ring + System Desi­gn Laboratory
3.acoustic engi­neea : Kara­sa­wa Archi­tec­tual & Acou­stic Design engi­neer : Masa­hi­de Kaku­da­te Lighting Architect
5.ornament (entran­ce gate) : Maki Kaneko
6.pipe organ : Marc Ganier Orgues

Anno  2008
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

EXTER­NAL 1 (SUN­PU) : Hiro­shi Ueda
EXTER­NAL 2 (SUN­PU) : Hiro­shi Ueda
EXTER­NAL 3 (SUN­PU) : Hiro­shi Ueda
EXTER­NAL 5 (SUN­PU) : Hiro­shi Ueda

INTER­NAL 1 (SUN­PU) : Yasu­hi­ro Takagi
INTER­NAL 2 (SUN­PU) : Hiro­shi Ueda
INTER­NAL 3 (SUN­PU) : Hiro­shi Ueda
INTER­NAL 4 (SUN­PU) : Hiro­shi Ueda

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Church Sun-pu

 A Pro­te­stant Church built in woo­den con­struc­tion in Japan. It stands on a cor­ner bet­ween com­mer­cial and resi­den­tial zone in Shi­zuo­ka City. The sanc­tua­ry sits clo­se to the com­mer­cial zone and faces a rail­way, and its cor­ner entry face a town squa­re. In con­tra­st the remai­ning func­tions, inclu­ding a par­so­na­ge, are near the resi­den­tial zone. The cha­pel is a sim­ple cube whi­le the rest is under a pit­ched roof. The for­mer looks simi­lar in volu­me to nei­gh­bo­ring buil­dings, the lat­ter does like hou­ses on a smal­ler resi­den­tial street.
 Throu­ghout, pure light and the sound of voi­ces were key to desi­gn; God is descri­bed fir­st as “light” and then as ”the word”. During wor­ship within, belie­vers read the Bible toge­ther aloud.
 The exte­rior is clad in split boards of Western-cedar with a wavy tex­tu­re without being pain­ted nor pla­ned, so as to let the exte­rior be respon­ding the light; Sun­light stri­kes this une­ven sur­fa­ce and makes nar­row sha­dow, when it comes in paral­lel with the walls, then the appea­ran­ce is wrap­ped in sha­dow and light in shar­pe­st con­tra­st. The north faça­de, facing rail­way, is done so for 30minuites just befo­re the sun­set, and the west faça­de, facing side street, is done so at noon just after the church ser­vi­ce. The­se walls also will age a black sil­ver, lines of light and sha­dow looks like an etching pla­te, and will highlight 2 ele­men­ts on the cor­ner, a cross and an entry gate with Gara­rian gra­­pe-ivy filigree.
 The inte­rior is wrap­ped in slim boards of French-pine. The gap bet­ween each board is gra­dual­ly wide­ning fur­ther upward, so as to con­trol the light and sound con­di­tion; The­re is an emp­ty spa­ce behind the boards, in which the trus­sed struc­tu­re are stan­ding, is dam­pe­ring and absor­bing exte­rior noi­se or exces­si­ve inter­nal echo, so as to achie­ve ideal rever­be­ra­tion for spo­ken word. The arc of light over time is also empha­si­zed with this thick enve­lo­pe: at the cei­ling, each board almo­st thread-like, gau­zi­ly fil­te­ring light; light spills on th

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