Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

san­­ta-maria-parish-cen­­ter / Gime­no Guitart

Pro­get­ti­sta  Daniel Gimeno
Loca­tion  Cal­le Ocho, 19. Bona­vi­sta, Tarragona.
Desi­gn Team  

Daniel Gime­no
Miguel Guitart

Anno  2016
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

Pedro Pege­nau­te

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The desi­gn of the church is arti­cu­la­ted around two main ideas:
The monu­ment: the church as a col­lec­ti­ve spa­ce must be vin­di­ca­ted as an urban event within the city. The ver­ti­cal­li­ty of the sec­tion rein­for­ces the pre­sen­ce of the church as an ico­nic reference.
The myste­ry: the church as a pla­ce for pray­ing must con­si­der a uni­que sin­gu­lar spa­ce, capa­ble of con­vey­ing the idea of trans­cen­den­ce throu­gh light, sca­le, and materiality.
The church is com­ple­men­ted with an L‑shaped neu­tral back­ground buil­ding that con­tains com­ple­men­ta­ry pro­gram, such as clas­srooms, offi­ces, or resi­den­ces, among others. The­se soft-ski­n­­ned volu­mes are loca­ted to the north and east of the site, retai­ning the urban fabric and free­ing the most public cor­ner of the site for the spa­ce of the church. This stra­te­gic orga­ni­za­tion, allo­ws for the displa­cing the free­stan­ding volu­me of the church to the pla­za. The sin­gu­lar sha­pe of the church as well as the neu­tral back­ground that fra­mes its visi­bi­li­ty and pre­sen­ce within the city rein­for­ce its cha­rac­te­ri­stic mate­ria­li­ty and ico­nic form.
With a poly­he­dric sha­pe that allu­des to mine­ral for­ma­tions, the near 20-meter high rock mani­fests itself as a monu­ment within the urban fabric of the city and a sym­bol for the iden­ti­ty of the Bona­vi­sta nei­gh­bo­rhood. The pre­sen­ce of the lar­ge volu­me is trans­la­ted insi­de as a ver­ti­cal spa­ce. The rock sup­ports the neces­sa­ry retreat and seclu­sion for the Catho­lic cere­mo­ny, and the zenith lighting pro­du­ces a ver­ti­cal spa­tial ten­sion, con­vey­ing a weightless and spi­ri­tual per­cep­tion. Light, sca­le, and mate­ria­li­ty are the means to reach the expe­rien­ce of the sacred.
The desi­gn unveils an auste­re approach whe­re the inten­tion is the con­struc­tion of a sere­ne and pro­found spa­ce for eve­ryo­ne’s use. The archi­tec­tu­re does not par­ti­ci­pa­tes of sty­li­stic con­cerns, but attemp­ts to recrea­te time­less uni­ver­sal values, so as eve­ry per­son, regard­less of age or back­ground, may feel embra­ced by the lar­ge fami­ly of the parish of Bonavista.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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Foto inter­ni

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