Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

cape­­la-jesus-mestre / Site Spe­ci­fic, arqui­tec­tu­ra Lda

Pro­get­ti­sta  Patrí­cia Mar­ques e Pau­lo Costa
Loca­tion  Ape­lação — Lou­res, Portugal
Desi­gn Team  

Patrí­cia Mar­ques (archi­tect)
Pau­lo Costa (archi­tect)

Bar­to­lo­meu de Gusmão (art work)

Pau­lo Pires do Vale (con­sul­tant)
Nuno Gusmão (con­sul­tant)

Anno  2015
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

all pho­tos — do mal o menos . Eduar­do Nasci­men­to / João Fôja

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

This is a cha­pel, or a small church, built in a par­ti­cu­lar hou­se for par­ti­cu­lar peo­ple – the bro­the­rhood of Insti­tu­to Mis­sio­ná­rio Pio Socie­da­de de São Pau­lo. The pro­ject brief is based on prin­ci­ples that don’t neces­sa­ri­ly con­cur: it should be the cen­tral area for a hou­se of many homes; a spa­ce for prayer and for com­mu­ni­ca­tion; a pla­ce of inti­ma­cy as well as assembly.
The pro­ject reu­ses the exi­sting buil­ding and aims to pro­vi­de it with a new mea­ning; this is done throu­gh a pro­cess of auste­re and rigo­rous desi­gning, which relies on the sim­pli­ci­ty of volu­mes, natu­ral lighting and inhe­rent qua­li­ties of pro­po­sed mate­rials. The con­cre­te struc­tu­re is retai­ned, bare and imper­fect but sui­ta­ble never­the­less, and some­how up-lif­­ted by the new con­text. The room is revea­led as a who­le and wide spa­ce, without arti­fi­ce or excess: a bac­k­drop for the litur­gi­cal fit­tings to enhan­ce and impart with a sacred and theo­lo­gi­cal sense.
The brief requi­red depic­tions of par­ti­cu­lar devo­tions of this bro­the­rhood to be inclu­ded. The­se were con­si­de­red from the start as part of the desi­gn, instead of later addi­tions. Ori­gi­nal art work was exe­cu­ted in situ, on walls and joi­ne­ry sur­fa­ces, crea­ting an inten­se and glo­bal rela­tion­ship bet­ween the spa­ce and the reli­gious com­mu­ni­ty. Toge­ther, the spa­ce and the ele­men­ts that popu­la­te the spa­ce con­vey a clear and cri­ti­cal mes­sa­ge to its users – rein­for­cing the sen­se of belon­ging and sha­ring that imbued the ori­gi­nal commission.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici