Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

the-church-of-the-order-of-disca­l­­ced-car­­me­­li­­tes / Bee Architects

Pro­get­ti­sta  Tudor Radulescu
Loca­tion  Sna­gov 077165, Romania
Desi­gn Team  

Author: Archi­tect Tudor Radu­le­scu (Bee Architects)
Pro­ject Mana­ger and Reli­gious Coor­di­na­tor: Archi­tect Andrej Ste­fan­cic (Mizar Pro­iect, Bucharest)
Art works, stai­ned glas­ses, mosaic: Mar­ko Ivan Rup­nik (Cen­tro Alet­ti, Rome)
Tra­di­tio­nal Woo­den Desi­gn: Archi­tect Ioan Radu­le­scu (Bee Architects)
Custo­mer Pro­ject Mana­ger: Engi­neer Giu­sep­pe Sacchetti
Custo­mer Site Super­vi­sor: Father Anto­nio Prestipino

Anno  2013
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

Archi­tect Vio­rel Plesca

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The Mona­chal Com­plex is a pla­ce of wor­ship for the monks of the Order of Discal­ced Car­me­li­tes, a con­tem­pla­ti­ve monk order kno­wn for its auste­ri­ty. It has been desi­red to be a con­cept – inspi­red from the Roma­nian tra­di­tio­nal archi­tec­tu­re but recon­si­de­red, moder­ni­zed and adap­ted to cur­rent needs.
The auste­ri­ty of the order and sim­pli­ci­ty of tra­di­tio­nal Roma­nian archi­tec­tu­re fit beau­ti­ful­ly and sim­pli­ci­ty does not mean the total remo­val of orna­ment but actual­ly put­ting it in the spot light. A black and whi­te game of woo­den enri­ched faca­des — inspi­red by the craft of the master car­pen­ter. The Hor­se head, sym­bol of maste­ry, is the leit­mo­tif of detail in the fra­ming, whe­re fra­med win­do­ws and con­so­les impo­se a rhy­thm, whe­re mas­si­ve woo­den pil­lars express strength and the sha­pe of the roof fra­ming struc­tu­re rela­xes you with its flow.
The tower, the mona­ste­ry, the gue­st hou­se and the church; gathe­red toge­ther give birth to the two cour­tyards. One for the ritual, a chio­stro exclu­si­ve­ly for the monks, the other, big­ger, having a regrou­ping role for spi­ri­tual pea­ce and rest — right under the gen­tle lap of the church.
The who­le ensem­ble wears this tra­di­tio­nal tai­lo­red coat, not copied but inter­pre­ted, howe­ver the church, goes even fur­ther and hides insi­de a uni­que uni­ver­se, a modern inter­pre­ta­tion of the ancient struc­tu­re, a spe­cial flow of the for­ces. The ima­ge of the old arch gives way to the beau­ty of the woo­den struc­tu­re that was always hid­den in ancient times. The arch rests on 12 pil­lars, woo­den lamel­lar ribs, which cling to the walls and stri­de hea­vi­ly on solid con­cre­te con­so­les. The zebra floor, a natu­ral gra­ni­te, makes the tran­si­tion from dar­k­ness to light, from the pro­fa­ne to the divine.
Pas­sing over the glass floor, which covers the crypt, whe­re the eter­nal fire reminds us whe­re we came from and whe­re we shall return some­day. The gateway of the church is a mas­si­ve woo­den gate with bron­ze ele­men­ts and the the­me of the Annunciation.
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