Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

wate­r­­fall-cha­­pel / South Paci­fic Archi­tec­tu­re Ltd

Pro­get­ti­sta  Megan Rule
Loca­tion  Nor­thland, New Zealand
Desi­gn Team  

Megan Rule

Anno  2006
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

Ground Sky Photography

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

A small pri­va­te spa­ce dedi­ca­ted to spi­ri­tual pil­gri­ma­ge is loca­ted on the edge of a stream over loo­king a 10m high water­fall, sur­roun­ded by farm­land and nati­ve bush. Acces­sed by pri­va­te farm track, a rela­ti­ve­ly flat berm, tum­bles stee­ply to a pool at the base of the waterfall.
Aware­ness of the water­fall is not imme­dia­te until one has fil­te­red throu­gh a tall gro­ve of trees. The client, a local far­ming fami­ly wished to wel­co­me and share the beau­ty and tran­qui­li­ty of the loca­tion with their expan­ding Chri­stian com­mu­ni­ty by way of divi­ne leading. 

The built form is gene­ra­ted by way of coun­ter­ba­lan­ce bet­ween a fra­med tele­sco­pic view of the water­fall and a 7 metre tall ver­ti­cal­ly raked shaft rising up from the entry and facing a gla­zed cross of light. Entry is via a full width pivo­ting door across an arri­val brid­ge into an inti­ma­te spa­ce with tim­ber palings in a ran­ge of sym­bo­lic and dyna­mic direc­tions. The tele­sco­pic spa­ce adds expo­sed tim­ber posts and fra­ming to exag­ge­ra­te per­spec­ti­ve length and view to waterfall. 

Able to accom­mo­da­te up to 7 peo­ple, with a pro­gram free from the usual buil­ding ser­vi­ces, a mode­st sca­le ena­bled hand buil­ding by client and friends with the mate­rials and resour­ces at hand. A sim­ple, yet easi­ly con­struc­ted spa­ce from plen­ti­ful mil­led tim­ber eli­mi­na­ted the need for other mate­rials mini­mal pre­sen­ce or impact. Like 3 skin kau­ri boat buil­ding, layers are craf­ted toge­ther for supe­rior strength, enhan­ced brea­tha­ble wea­ther tight­ness, and excel­lent acou­stic performance. 

The buil­ding is set off the ground on a plat­form on tim­ber piles with under­sta­ted agri­cul­tu­ral exte­rior is clad in board and bat­ten. In con­tra­st the inte­rior has a rich pot pour­ri of oiled timbers.

Both acces­si­ble and remo­te, this has beco­me a pla­ce to ven­tu­re indi­vi­dual­ly for con­tem­pla­ti­ve respi­te or fami­ly size communion.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici