Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

cha­­pel-in-the-woods-saint-james-pil­­grim-hou­­se / CZI­TA Architects

Pro­get­ti­sta  Tamás Czigány
Loca­tion  Pan­no­n­hal­ma, Hungary
Desi­gn Team  

Tamás Czi­gá­ny, Róbert Papp, András Cseh

Anno  2010
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

Tamás Czi­gá­ny

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The Cha­pel in the Woods was built as the last ele­ment of Saint James Pil­grim Hou­se, a buil­ding com­plex desi­gned by CZI­TA Archi­tec­ts for shel­te­ring the visi­tors of the Bene­dic­ti­ne Archab­bey of Pan­no­n­hal­ma. In the calm woods of Csei­der Val­ley this new pla­ce recen­tly came to exi­sten­ce in order to pro­vi­de acco­mo­da­tion, recrea­tion and rela­xa­tion for the visi­ting pil­grims, fami­lies and groups of youth.
The Pil­grim Hou­se itself con­tains seve­ral inde­pen­dent buil­dings posi­tio­ned care­ful­ly in the land­sca­pe. The dining, lec­tu­re and ser­vi­ce rooms were arran­ged in the reno­va­ted wing of the pre­vious laun­dry hou­se of the Abbey and in a joi­ning new block, whi­le the appart­men­ts were pla­ced on the sou­thern slo­pes of the site. Three out of the four hou­sing uni­ts work as youth hostels, one acco­mo­da­tes appart­men­ts for fami­lies and a pil­grim shel­ter for one.
As the final ele­ment, the Cha­pel is an in-bet­­ween spa­ce hid­den into the fore­sted area of the site. It mani­fests the tran­si­tion from built to natu­ral, from outsi­de to insi­de and from secu­lar to sacral — whi­le pro­vi­ding pla­ce for with­dra­wal, silent obser­va­tion and pri­va­te prayer. The­re is no door, no win­dow, no hea­ting or arti­fi­cial lighting. The wind blo­ws and the sun shi­nes throu­gh it, it is wea­ved throu­gh by light — an in-bet­­ween space.
The floor area of the buil­ding is 20 squa­re meters, its height is 9 meters. It is enti­re­ly made out of wood. All the ele­men­ts — the wall and the roof struc­tu­res, the bench and the altar — are con­struc­ted from hori­zon­tal tim­ber beams con­nec­ted by hard­wood pegs, the roof is cove­red by woo­den shingles.
The con­struc­tion work of the Cha­pel was a com­mu­nal acti­vi­ty com­ple­ted by the hand­work of the con­trac­tor, the archi­tec­ts and their archi­tec­tu­re stu­den­ts — tho­se were soul­ful days.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

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