Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

cha­­pel-of-rest / HOFRI­­CH­­TER-RIT­­TER Architects

Pro­get­ti­sta  Ger­not Rit­ter, Vero­ni­ka Hofrichter-Ritter
Loca­tion  Graz
Desi­gn Team  

Ger­not Ritter
Vero­ni­ka Hofrichter-Ritter
Mar­tin Ritter
Franz Stiegler

Anno  2011
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

Karl Heinz Putz

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

“Father, into your hands I com­mend my spi­rit” (Luke 23:46)
The cha­pel of rest for the Stein­feld ceme­te­ry is desi­gned in the form of two cur­ving form­work ele­men­ts made of rein­for­ced con­cre­te and appea­ring as two care­ful­ly recep­ti­ve hands. It is the cen­tre­pie­ce of the rede­si­gned Ceme­te­ry Cen­tre which was begun by the muni­ci­pal parish of Graz under epi­sco­pal vicar Dr Hein­rich Sch­nu­derl, con­ti­nued by Chri­stian Leib­ni­tz, the new muni­ci­pal parish pro­vo­st, and final­ly built to a desi­gn by Hofri­­ch­­ter-Rit­­ter Archi­tec­ts in 2011.
From the per­spec­ti­ve of urban deve­lo­p­ment the buil­ding site had beco­me a peri­phe­ral loca­tion due to the con­struc­tion of the new, exclu­si­ve­ly pede­strian tun­nel under­neath the rail­way line. Upgra­ding the site and, as a result, the Stein­feld ceme­te­ry was a mat­ter of impor­tan­ce for Graz’s urban plan­ners. Con­se­quen­tly, the ceme­te­ry has regai­ned its signi­fi­can­ce as a public spa­ce and park.
A new con­cept for taking final lea­ve of decea­sed loved ones has been deve­lo­ped in digni­fied and plea­sant surroundings:
1. The cha­pel of rest ser­ves as a cha­pel of rest and pla­ce of final bles­sing in one.
2. After the farewell cere­mo­ny the decea­sed is accom­pa­nied in a fune­ral pro­ces­sion throu­gh a sepa­ra­te entran­ce out of the buil­ding to the burial ground.
3. Due to increa­sed demand on the part of the berea­ved mem­bers of the fami­ly, tech­ni­cal mul­ti­me­dia faci­li­ties ena­ble the farewell cere­mo­ny to be arran­ged in a highly indi­vi­dual way, if so required.
Depen­ding on the par­ti­cu­lar choi­ce of sea­ting arran­ge­ment, the cha­pel of rest can accom­mo­da­te up to about 100 peo­ple. In spe­cial cases lar­ger fune­rals can also be held by ope­ning up the nor­thern glass wall and by using the spa­cious dimen­sions of the open forecourt.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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Foto inter­ni

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