Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

cape­­la-ima­­cu­­la­­da / Cere­jei­ra Fon­tes Architects

Pro­get­ti­sta  Anto­nio Jor­ge de Mou­ra Cere­jei­ra Fontes
Loca­tion  Bra­ga, Portugal
Desi­gn Team  

Antó­nio Jor­ge de Mou­ra Lei­tão Cere­jei­ra Fontes
André de Mou­ra Lei­tão Cere­jei­ra Fontes
Asb­jörn Andresen
Lisa Sigfridsson
Joa­quim Félix
Antó­nio Dias
Orlan­do Rodrigues
Bru­no Marques
Nuno Cruz
Duar­te Vilaça

Anno  2015
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

Joa­quim Félix

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The Imma­cu­la­te Con­cep­tion is within the Semi­na­ry of Our Lady of Con­cep­tion, loca­ted in Rua de S. Domin­gos, Muni­ci­pa­li­ty of Braga.
The pro­po­sal focu­sed on the reha­bi­li­ta­tion and resto­ra­tion of the cha­pel, the recon­struc­tion of the choir.
For this restau­ra­tion, total height of spa­ce was regai­ned by using the walls of the pre-exi­­sting limi­ts of the chapel.
The walls sur­roun­ding the cha­pel were left strip­ped revea­ling the exi­sting sto­ne which would now be viewa­ble. To accen­tua­te the height of the spa­ce a new con­cre­te dome with a thic­k­ness of 12cm was suspen­ded on a steel struc­tu­re with ope­nings that mani­pu­la­te the exte­rior light.
The exi­sting roof was repla­ced with acou­stic metal panels that increa­sed the sound qua­li­ty along with the con­cre­te dome that ena­bles bet­ter per­for­man­ce, rising and echoing the chan­ts and prayers. This acou­stic per­for­man­ce brings ano­ther level of spa­tial inter­pre­ta­tion that allo­wing the spa­ce to mani­fe­st the sound and crea­ting a dia­lo­gue bet­ween spa­ce and the user.
The­re is a tear in the alter wall cove­red with a trans­lu­cent mar­ble panel that lights the gra­ni­te alter suspen­ded over a pool of water. The alter beco­mes a divi­ne ele­ment that hangs in the sacred space.
The choir repla­ced by a tim­ber struc­tu­re, con­si­sting of seve­ral wood columns crea­ting a fore­st at the entran­ce of this sacred spa­ce. This fore­st crea­tes a reser­ved spa­ce dedi­ca­ted to the inha­bi­tan­ts of the Seminary.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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Foto inter­ni

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