Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

west­­wood-uni­­ted-metho­­di­­st-church / Leh­rer Archi­tec­ts LA

Pro­get­ti­sta  Michael B. Lehrer
Loca­tion  10497 Wil­shi­re Blvd., Los Ange­les CA 90024
Desi­gn Team  

Leh­rer Archi­tec­ts LA
Michael B. Leh­rer, FAIA
Nerin Kadri­be­go­vic, AIA
Tra­vis Frankel
Robin Sakahara
TIm Jordan

Anno  2008
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  


Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto


This pro­ject illu­stra­tes how the­re are no throw-away spa­ces. It honors the city and it honors the (Wil­shi­re) Bou­le­vard by crea­ting a qua­­si-public poc­ket park out of what was desti­ned to be peo­­ple-less driveway. 

The sim­ple pro­gram, a bath­room addi­tion with plan­ters, was oppor­tu­ni­sti­cal­ly leve­ra­ged into archi­tec­tu­re as building/landscape/urban fur­ni­tu­re to crea­te a new arche­ty­pe — the qua­­si-public poc­ket park.


The pro­ject came about when the Church lea­sed its huge par­king lot to a senior hou­sing deve­lo­per for 55 years. The spa­ce bet­ween the new hou­sing and the Church was going to be fil­led with a lar­ge dri­veway lined with plan­ters, which also pre­sen­ted a signi­fi­cant acces­si­bi­li­ty (wheel­chair access) pro­blem. The cri­ti­cal urban contribution—and new (Wil­shi­re) Bou­le­vard archetype—is tran­sfor­ming the ubi­qui­tous dri­veway into a bona fide poc­ket park.

Eve­ry inch of mar­gi­nal spa­ce was con­so­li­da­ted and orche­stra­ted to crea­te grand pro­ces­sio­nal spa­ces, and new, found gar­dens. The new stairs, ramps, ben­ches, and gar­dens, pro­vi­de effi­cient, acces­si­ble cir­cu­la­tion and the spa­ce around the Church, crea­ting a series+ of discre­te pla­ces to walk, sit gather, and contemplate. 

In addi­tion to pro­vi­ding a stri­king new set­ting for the Church, the auste­re beau­ty of con­cre­te pou­­red-in-pla­­ce archi­tec­tu­re and seam­les­sly inte­gra­ted land­sca­pe pro­vi­de a won­der­ful ame­ni­ty for the pari­shio­ners and inha­bi­tan­ts of the senior hou­sing complex.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici