Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2016

catho­­lic-church / CZI­TA Architects

Pro­get­ti­sta  Tamás Czigány
Loca­tion  Újrónafő
Desi­gn Team  

Tamás Czi­gá­ny, András Cseh, András Nagy

Anno  2014
Cre­di­ti Fotografici  

Tamás Czi­gá­ny

Foto ester­ni:

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Újró­na­fő is one of the youn­ge­st set­tle­men­ts in Győr-Moson-Sopron Coun­ty with 850 inha­bi­tan­ts. Its foun­ding popu­la­tion, who set­tled in during the 1940‘s from Haj­dú­böször­mé­ny in Eastern Hun­ga­ry, con­si­sted mostly of pro­te­stan­ts, the­re­fo­re no catho­lic church was built in the vil­la­ge. In 2011 the parish of 260 catho­lic belie­vers, sup­por­ted by the bishop, deci­ded to build an appro­pria­te­ly small church for the community.

The sin­gle nave spa­ce fol­lo­ws a clas­si­cal order; the apsis is rai­sed with one step, the win­do­ws are pla­ced abo­ve eye level. The lower wing of the vestry is atta­ched to the sim­ple pit­­ched-roof volu­me of the church. The key ini­tia­ti­ves of the archi­tec­tu­ral desi­gn con­si­sted of making the func­tio­nal system appa­rent in sha­ping the volu­mes, fit­ting the buil­ding into the sca­le of its sur­roun­dings and intro­du­cing har­mo­nious pro­por­tions. The inter­pre­ta­tion of the inte­rior spa­ce is stron­gly influen­ced by the con­ti­nuou­sly chan­ging natu­ral light conditions.

The 50 cm thick mono­li­thic brick wall is the main cha­rac­te­ri­stic struc­tu­re of the church. The skin-like whi­te pain­ting allo­ws the brick struc­tu­re and the even­tua­li­ty of han­d­craft to appear. The homo­ge­neous use of mate­rials, the iden­ti­cal treat­ment of inte­rior and outsi­de sur­fa­ces, and the brick altar and ambo con­nect to the layers of mea­ning defi­ned by the role of the building.

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