Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Marek Ště­pán
Loca­tion Sazo­vi­ce, 763 01, Czech republic
Desi­gn Team

Marek Ště­pán, Fran­tišek Bry­ch­ta, Jan Vodič­ka, Van­da Ště­pá­no­vá, Jan Mar­tí­nek, Tomáš Jurák, Hana Myšková

Anno 2017
Pho­to credits

Boys play nice

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The idea to build the church in Sazo­vi­ce occur befo­re the Second World War. Three years ago, the idea retur­ned and poe­ple from Sazo­vi­ce foun­ded the Asso­cia­tion for the con­struc­tion of the church.

I wan­ted to dema­te­ria­li­ze the buil­ding. It looks like some­thing light, abstract, bright and natu­ral. It evo­kes more paper than brick. It’s like a ring of paper with cut­ting you push or pull to get more light inside.
Visi­tors don’t per­cei­ve the thic­k­ness of the walls, becau­se they taper from half meter to cen­ti­me­ter. The light coming throu­gh the cuts illu­mi­na­te the spa­ce. It gli­des along the walls and sha­pe the form. Pene­tra­tion of light into the buil­ding are two­fold — wall bends out­wards or inwards — that can be under­stood as reflec­ting the male and fema­le principle.
Light beco­mes a fac­tor which crea­tes a lack of inter­fa­ce bet­ween what is veri­fia­ble by the sen­ses, and what is beyond mate­rial world. The sca­le is based on Pra­gue’s cha­pel, the peri­me­ter of the church is cir­cum­scri­bed the squa­re of Pra­gue’s cha­pel. Its cylin­dri­cal mass refers to the time of St. Wen­ce­slas, when rotun­das were built.

The inte­rior is sim­ple and clean to bring a sen­se of quiet­ness and pea­ce. Older chur­ches are full of visual infor­ma­tion — the enti­re sto­ry is writ­ten in pain­tings, sculp­tu­res, in the deco­ra­tion. For exem­ple inte­rior in Baro­que church was com­ple­te­ly descrip­ti­ve to give peo­ple an idea about Jesus life. Peo­ple today are over­load with infor­ma­tion, the church should per­cei­ve only the puri­ty of spa­ce and pea­ce and rea­li­ze your inner self. The­re is a spa­ce without per­so­nal iden­ti­fi­ca­tion visual smog — a sim­ple, focu­sed, and pure recollection.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici