Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner prof. Ing. arch. Petr Pelčák
Loca­tion Osek nad Beč­vou, Rep.Ceca
Desi­gn Team

prof. Ing. arch. Petr Pelčák
Ing. Petr Uhrín
Ing. arch.Marcela Uřídilová

Anno 2017
Pho­to credits

Pho­to­gra­phs: Filip Šla­pal and Zde­něk Sodoma
Pho­to­gra­phs of the model: David Židlický

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Cha­pel of St. Wen­de­lin, Osek nad Bečvou
2013 – 2017
This fami­ly cha­pel, in the foo­thills of the Oder­ské vrchy built by a self-reliant com­mis­sio­ner, is dedi­ca­ted to the memo­ry of his grandfather.
It is pla­ced onto a moun­tain rid­ge, but not at the top, but on the slo­pe at the edge of a wood incor­po­ra­ted into the rhy­thm of a cher­ry tree orchard at a field path and facing out to the east on the vil­la­ge of Osek with the home of the com­mis­sio­ner and the top of Hostýn hill. It is pla­ced in the land­sca­pe with the pre­ci­se geo­me­try of its struc­tu­re defi­ned by Le Corbusier’s Modu­lor with the abstract whi­te colour and mate­rial of con­cre­te embed­ded into tree trunks. The ver­ti­cal­ly chan­ne­led struc­tu­re, given by the impres­sion crea­ted by the trunks of boar­ding, can be per­cei­ved as a motif con­se­cra­ted to natu­re, as well as a basic motif of human cul­tu­re and an ancient sacred sym­bol. The rose win­dow of the eastern faca­de is “gla­zed’ with trans­pa­rent and blue glass “sto­nes”, this being waste from glass-makers pans pla­ced into steel gra­tes. The atmo­sphe­re of the inte­rior spa­ce of the cha­pel is tran­sfor­med by the light, which chan­ges over the cour­se of the day and the year in accor­dan­ce with the sun­light and its reflec­tion on the edges of the glass cry­stals and the gil­ding of the arches. Its walls were pain­ted by Hana Pucho­vá, the sta­tue of Saint Wen­de­lin was car­ved by Jiří Stře­da and the bell work­shop Tomáš­ko­vá – Dytry­cho­vá made the bell, which can be heard by passersby.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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Foto inter­ni

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