Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Ale­jan­dro Beautell
Loca­tion Avda. prin­ci­pal El Pris, 38358, Taco­ron­te, Tene­ri­fe, Spain
Desi­gn Team

Marius Micu — Junior architect
Eloy Fer­nán­dez — Quan­ti­ty surveyor
Manuel Rosa­do — Draftsman
Fla­vio Dor­ta — Draftsman

Anno 2016
Pho­to credits

Fla­vio Dor­ta — Pho­to 3 Exter­nal, Pho­to 4 Exter­nal, Pho­to 3 Inter­nal, Pho­to 4 Internal
Ale­jan­dro Beau­tell — Pho­to 5 Exter­nal, Pho­to 2 Inter­nal, Pho­to 5 Internal
Efraín Pin­tos — Pho­to 2 Exter­nal, Pho­to 1 Internal.
José Oller — Pho­to 1 External

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

For years, the nei­gh­bors of the fisher­men vil­la­ge of El Pris had tried to pro­mo­te the con­struc­tion of a pro­per tem­ple, under the voca­tion of Vir­gen del Car­men (Our Lady of Mount Car­mel) who is patro­ness of the sai­lors. Despi­te desi­gna­ting for it seve­ral dif­fe­rent loca­tions, this con­struc­tion, for various rea­sons, was not possible.

The plot loca­ted on a roc­ky head­land next to the old pier, was cer­tain­ly com­pli­ca­ted due to its small size and irre­gu­lar sha­pe. This dif­fi­cul­ty was increa­sed by the signi­fi­cant slo­pe of the base (it was not pos­si­ble to exca­va­te the rock due to the dan­ger which such works could cau­se for adja­cent poor, self-build hou­ses) as well as the restric­tions of the law and limi­ted eco­no­mi­cal resources.

In an area without archi­tec­tu­ral refe­ren­ces, whe­re domi­na­te self-build con­struc­tions, the plan­ned buil­ding aims to com­ple­te the faça­de of the hou­ses erec­ted on the head­land. The chal­len­ge was to inte­gra­te the new volu­me without impo­sing it, so that the group of hou­ses con­sti­tu­ting the back­ground of the cha­pel did not lose its character.

The cha­pel is desi­gned as a sin­gle cylin­dri­cal volu­me, dia­go­nal­ly cut in its upper part. In this way, the inte­rior spa­ce rises in height, as we approach the altar. Adja­cent to the cha­pel was desi­gned a small prayer spa­ce which resem­ble a cave for the fisher­men of the area, as well as a sacri­sty. The arran­ge­ment of the volu­mes crea­tes open spa­ce bet­ween both con­struc­tions which forms an access patio, pro­tec­ted from the strong winds.

The altar is orien­ted to the north. The altar table is loca­ted on the same level as the spa­ce of the nave. A sin­gle mono­li­thic bank, which comes from the wall, pro­vi­des the sea­ts for prayers around the altar table. In the con­ti­nui­ty of the wall is incor­po­ra­ted the Via Cru­cis which is com­po­sed of 14 stars. The cir­cum­fe­ren­ce that forms the floor plan of the tem­ple, repre­sen­ts the femi­ni­ni­ty of the Vir­gin Mary, the mater­nal figu­re who embra­ces the fai­th­ful. The ima­ge of Vir­gin del Car­men pre­si­des the spa­ce, being loca­ted in the north like meta­phor of its func­tion of gui­de to the sai­lors during the night. The Stel­la Maris or Star of the Sea.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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Foto inter­ni

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