Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Iña­ki Ába­los, Rena­ta Sentkiewicz
Loca­tion New Bund District, Pudong, Shan­ghai, China
Desi­gn Team

Col­la­bo­ra­tors: Adrian Úbe­da, Álva­ro Maján, Ale­xan­der Jacob­son, Eva Castiñei­ra, Ale­jan­dra Sal­va­dor, Hao Chen, Chen­chen Hu, Tere­sa Casbas, Yiqun Wang (Abalos+Sentkiewicz AS+)
Model: Yi Zhao Model

Anno 2019
Pho­to credits

All pho­tos by Zhang Yong (ZYarch Photography)

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Loca­ted in the main entran­ce to the new New Bund inter­na­tio­nal district in Pudong, Shan­ghai, the pro­ject began with a con­flic­ti­ve situa­tion bet­ween the eccle­sia­sti­cal autho­ri­ties and the local govern­ment, who con­tac­ted AS + to find a sati­sfac­to­ry solu­tion. The pro­ject pre­sen­ted by the Church Admi­ni­stra­tion was frag­men­ta­ry and bizar­re so it did not match the expec­ta­tions of the Pudong autho­ri­ties, who expec­ted the tem­ple to reflect the modern and cosmo­po­li­tan con­di­tion of the new deve­lo­p­ment. Apart from the­se dif­fi­cul­ties, the com­plex con­di­tions of the plot, whe­re the under­ground infra­struc­tu­re of the sub­way con­strains the lot again­st the access road to the New Bund, gives the buil­ding the con­di­tion of edge bet­ween the linear park of the Huang­pu River and the new urban development. 

The AS + pro­ject starts inte­gra­ting pro­gram divi­sion of the pre­vious pro­ject, which divi­ded the admi­ni­stra­ti­ve func­tions of the wor­ship spa­ces, into a sin­gle volu­me that simul­ta­neou­sly func­tions as a gateway to the park, an open-air mee­ting spa­ce, an urban land­mark and a pri­vi­le­ged view­point of the surroundings. 

This pro­ject orga­ni­za­tion con­nec­ts with the topo­gra­phi­cal and land­sca­pe under­stan­ding of the buil­din­g’s roof as an exten­sion of the adja­cent park, con­cei­ved in the man­ner of the acces­si­ble roofs of cer­tain Euro­pean cathe­drals such as Milan or Paris. Throu­gh a pic­tu­re­sque public stair­way, which turns towards the front of the tem­ple like the tail of a mari­ne ani­mal, it ascends to the gar­den roof of the buil­ding: a natu­ral bel­ve­de­re over the park and the Huang­pu River that allo­ws the gathe­ring of the com­mu­ni­ty around the cele­bra­tion of out­door cere­mo­nies, like weddings. 

The cen­tral spa­ce of the com­plex, the main cha­pel, empha­si­zes its sym­bo­lic cha­rac­ter as a mee­ting pla­ce for the com­mu­ni­ty, inte­gra­ting two types of wor­ship spa­ces: the lon­gi­tu­di­nal nave of a fun­da­men­tal­ly Catho­lic tra­di­tion and the Pro­te­stant audi­to­rium tem­ples, con­cei­ved around the acou­stic and the cere­mo­nial role of the choir. The reli­gious pro­gram is com­ple­ted with a smal­ler cha­pel loca­ted behind the rear blea­cher that is sepa­ra­ted from the main nave by a woo­den wall that can be remo­ved to occa­sio­nal­ly increa­se the capa­ci­ty of the tem­ple to 2,000 people.

The set is made with a tight bud­get that for­ced to restrict the mate­ria­li­ty to the exten­si­ve use of the whi­te pla­ster, lin­king the pro­po­sal with the pla­stic lines of its envi­ron­ment, and the use of the con­cre­te seen in the base, bell and cover of the main nave. This mate­rial auste­ri­ty is balan­ced by the stra­te­gic use of pure­ly archi­tec­tu­ral resour­ces such as neat forms con­nec­ting the park with the zone in an ascen­dant cho­reo­gra­phy, or natu­ral light, which fil­ters into the inte­rior of the tem­ple with a spe­ci­fic reli­gious inten­tio­na­li­ty accor­ding to each of the orientations.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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