Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Vítor Bar­ros
Loca­tion Av. Luís Teles de Mene­ses, 4590–297, Frea­mun­de, Por­to, Portugal
Desi­gn Team

Vítor Bar­ros (Lead Archi­tect), Pedro Fer­nan­des (Desi­gner), Ana Bastos Viei­ra (Senior Archi­tect), Caio Cham­ma (Junior Archi­tect), Domi­ni­ka Skrý­va­lo­vá (Junior Archi­tect), Mar­tin Rich­na­v­ský (Junior Architect).

Anno 2019
Pho­to credits

All Pho­tos by Ale­xan­der Bogorodskiy

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

An Open Door.
The pro­ject of Divi­no Sal­va­dor church was born from the stu­dy of the litur­gi­cal Chri­stian spa­ce evo­lu­tion and from an atten­ti­ve look and com­pre­hen­sion of the com­plex mor­pho­lo­gy of the inter­ven­tion site.
A base built by gra­ni­te walls extends from the sur­roun­dings, sustai­ning the tem­ple. A new distri­bu­tion chur­chyard sepa­ra­tes, both func­tio­nal­ly and volu­me­tri­cal­ly, the new church from the mul­ti­pur­po­se buil­ding, like an exte­rior ante­cham­ber which invi­tes users to silen­ce and self-com­­mu­­nion. At the chur­chyard stands out the sky, the sound of the oli­ve tree lea­ves swept by the wind and the run­ning water of a fountain.
A glass door appears as a meta­phor for an open and tole­rant Chri­stian com­mu­ni­ty, invi­ting anyo­ne who enters the chur­chyard to be part of one big sha­ring family.
Insi­de, the pre­sby­te­ry and the nave rise towards God by the lar­ge ver­ti­cal cle­re­sto­ry which dra­ws the resur­rec­tion of Chri­st throu­gh its gla­zed and lumi­nous walls. The cle­re­sto­ry is also the cal­ling ele­ment of the church, as it sub­sti­tu­tes the tra­di­tio­nal stee­ples. In the new church, the cal­ling is done by the light instead of the sound.
The two side aisles end up on two ver­ti­cal cha­pels that hold the taber­na­cle and the bap­ti­ste­ry. Both cha­pels repre­sent the uni­que­ness rela­tion bet­ween the sacra­men­ts and God.
The Mor­tua­ry Cha­pel, loca­ted on the north side of the buil­ding, has its entran­ce by the yard of the old Mother Church of São Sal­va­dor, con­fer­ring uni­ty to the old street pro­fi­le and assu­ring a con­ti­nuous use of the old buil­ding for mourn­ful celebrations.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici