Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Yu-lin Chen
Loca­tion No. 18, Lane 15, Deguang Street, East District, Tai­nan City, Taiwan
Desi­gn Team

Malo­ne Chang, Yu-lin Chen (Archi­tec­ts), Sheng-Yang Huang, Eli­sa­beth Lebas (Com­pe­ti­tion), Yu-Ling Liu, Ting-Yi Lo, Miao-Ling Cheng (SD/DD/CD), Yong-Sian Fang (CA)

Anno 2016
Pho­to credits

Sha­wn Liu Studio

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

This pro­ject ori­gi­na­tes from a vision that the pastor has recei­ved from God: Tai­nan Tung-Men Holi­ness Church (TMHC) sym­bo­li­zes an eagle as a bibli­cal meta­phor, and it is like an air­port, ser­ving as a boar­ding gate for non-belie­­vers to enter into God’s kingdom.

The site of the new church is sur­roun­ded by secu­lar resi­den­tial buil­dings. Respon­ding to this con­tex­tual city fabric as well as the pastor’s vision, the lower floors of the church are used as socia­li­zing spa­ces such as cof­fee shop and fami­­ly-frien­d­­ly book sto­re, invi­ting the com­mu­ni­ty in and knit­ting the church clo­se­ly with the life of the nei­gh­bo­rhood. On the other hand, the dema­te­ria­li­zing, whi­te stair­ca­se lea­ding to the sanc­tua­ry abo­ve tran­sforms the spa­tial cha­rac­te­ri­stic from the mun­da­ne to sanc­ti­fied spa­ce by gui­ding the act of rising and tur­ning throu­gh spil­led natu­ral light. 

Whe­re the sanc­tua­ry signi­fies as the holy spa­ce to wor­ship God, it is a rai­sed two-sto­­ry cubi­cal volu­me for­med by cast-in-pla­­ce archi­tec­tu­ral con­cre­te and illu­mi­na­ted by soft and sacred light fil­te­red throu­gh the alu­mi­num per­fo­ra­ted screens on the church exte­rior. A can­ti­le­ve­red wood stair­ca­se at the back of the sanc­tua­ry takes the user throu­gh the sky figu­ra­ti­ve­ly befo­re con­nec­ting back into the sanc­tua­ry mez­za­ni­ne. The user has a dif­fe­rent visual expe­rien­ce at the open mez­za­ni­ne and the adja­cent nur­se­ry loo­king back into the sanc­tua­ry. The whi­te ver­ti­cal stair­ca­se ter­mi­na­tes at church’s top floor, which con­sists of three sepa­ra­te pray rooms. The user stan­ding at the top lan­ding of the stair­ca­se looks out onto the pro­mi­nent whi­te cross rising abo­ve the span­drel glass in clo­se distan­ce to the glass exte­rior of the stairway.

The church is main­ly com­po­sed of cool archi­tec­tu­ral con­cre­te but balan­ced with warm wood and cop­per colors used for cur­ved sanc­tua­ry cei­ling, oak stair­ca­se and fea­­ther-like metal screens on the main facade.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici