Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Ken­ta­ro Take­gu­chi + Asa­ko Yamamoto
Loca­tion 3–17‑5, Kan­be, Suzu­ka city, Mie, Japan
Desi­gn Team

Alpha­vil­le asso­cia­tes Co., Ltd.
/Kentaro Take­gu­chi, Asa­ko Yama­mo­to, Tomo­hi­sa Koike

/Keiji Tsu­jii, Eichi­ro Shi­ro, Asa­ko Yamashita

Anno 2015
Pho­to credits

Toshiyu­ki Yano

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The pre­sen­ted pro­ject is a church loca­ted at the city of SUZU­KA, the HON­DA motor indu­stry area, and con­sists of a cha­pel, con­fe­ren­ce and social acti­vi­ties hall along with father’s resi­den­ce. As a wider forei­gner Catho­lic com­mu­ni­ty is increa­sing rapid­ly, it was requi­red to pro­vi­de not only a pray­ing and medi­ta­tion spa­ce but also a com­mu­ni­ty spa­ce for the forei­gners in SUZU­KA city. Two exi­sting chur­ches whe­re buried in the nei­gh­bo­rhoods loca­ted at the inter­sec­tion of the old way and the new motor­way, and so we pro­po­sed a big­ger one with a expres­si­ve roof, which reminds of the beau­ti­ful moun­tain ran­ge sur­roun­ding this area, to uni­te three dif­fe­rent usa­ge buil­dings. Used for com­mu­ni­ty gathers and mas­ses on Sun­days, the who­le church is lif­ted up to gain enou­gh car par­king area. The roof is split eve­ry five meters in to the par­king lot modu­le, to make high-side lits that intro­du­ce the natu­ral light from the south into the inte­rior whe­re rooms of various sizes from cha­pel to bedrooms are cro­w­ded. The pilo­ts and the two entran­ce lob­bies on the second floor are con­nec­ted with two gen­tly incli­ned stair­ca­ses and form a pla­za under the roof whe­re peo­ple gather crea­ting a atmo­sphe­re not sepa­ra­ted from the moto­ri­zed city. The archi­tec­tu­re inclu­des the street bet­ween the buil­dings and the com­mu­ni­ty and is fil­led with envi­ron­men­tal­ly effi­cient win­do­ws cut by par­king modu­le. With refe­ren­ce to the rever­sal phe­no­me­non by “Nori’s figure/ground theo­ry”, we crea­ted a lob­by as an exten­sion of the pass-way, mani­pu­la­ting the rela­tion­ship bet­ween the amount of “insi­de out” spa­ce aiming at a “church” whe­re visi­tors can feel at easy to gather and use. Thus this Catho­lic com­mu­ni­ty buil­ding legi­ti­ma­tes Euro­pean archi­tec­tu­re mar­ried with subur­ban Ame­ri­can par­king con­text in Japan.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici