Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Tetsuya Matsu­mo­to
Loca­tion Kamiya-cho 3–31, 670‑0836 Hime­ji, Japan
Desi­gn Team

Tetsuya Matsu­mo­to
Motoa­ki Takeuchi
Farid Ziani

Anno 2019
Pho­to credits

all pho­tos cre­di­ts to: ©Stir­ling Elmendorf

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Luster, glit­ter, spar­kle, light, shi­ne, and bright are fun­da­men­tals of any modern wed­ding cere­mo­ny. The time for wri­ting a new page in people’s life, a whi­te page, all in joy, all in hap­pi­ness, all toge­ther, open to the futu­re, reflec­ting dreams and hopes, reflec­ting the Luster of Life.
The pre­vious Aile-Bla­n­­che Cha­pel, part of La-Vie­n­­na Wed­ding Cere­mo­ny Hall in Hime­ji, Japan, was plan­ned to be repla­ced by a new one that trans­la­tes the impor­tan­ce and signi­fi­can­ce of the wed­ding day into phy­si­cal spa­ce, a pla­ce whe­re to engra­ve the memo­ry of one of the most impor­tant days in life.
Dreams and light were depic­ted as cur­ves and glass, a cloud sha­ped spa­ce for the cha­pel was enve­lo­ped in trans­pa­rent cur­ved glass brin­ging day light from all direc­tions. Only the organ spa­ce and the tech­ni­cal room are enve­lo­ped in a cir­cu­lar whi­te wall at the back of the chapel.
The Cha­pel opens to the gar­den and the green walls in front. The left side is open to a water basin and limi­ted by a green fire wall iso­la­ting the cha­pel from the main cere­mo­ny hall building.
The Cloud sha­ped Cha­pel is all whi­te, a mini­ma­li­stic cei­ling free of any tech­ni­cal machi­ne­ries or equi­p­ment is sup­por­ted by round columns with a hyper­bo­lic cone head. The same columns sup­port the roof of the approach con­nec­ting the main cere­mo­ny hall to the cha­pel and gives access to the gar­den. The pil­lars on the basin side has a hyper­bo­lic sha­ped base, crea­ting an impres­sion of a floa­ting cha­pel. The water sur­fa­ce reflec­ts the floa­ting cha­pel adding more light­ness to the struc­tu­re and exten­ding the dreams into other dimensions.
The Cloud of Luster Cha­pel trans­la­tes the wed­ding cere­mo­ny spi­rit into a built envi­ron­ment offe­ring nothing but a drea­my gli­ste­ring memory.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici