Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Ricar­do Flores
Loca­tion Island of San Gior­gio Mag­gio­re, Venezia
Desi­gn Team

Archi­tec­ts: Flo­res & Pra­ts (Ricar­do Flo­res, Eva Prats).
Col­la­bo­ra­tors: Nina Andreat­ta, Inès Mar­ti­nell, Jor­ge Casajús.

Anno 2018
Pho­to credits

All 10 pho­tos by Adrià Goula.

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The Vati­can Coun­try par­ti­ci­pa­ted at the Veni­ce Archi­tec­tu­re Bien­na­le for the fir­st time in 2018. Their pavi­lion was cura­ted by the archi­tect Fran­ce­sco Dal Co, who invi­ted 10 dif­fe­rent archi­tec­tu­ral offi­ces from around the glo­be to desi­gn a cha­pel insi­de the fore­st of San Gior­gio Mag­gio­re Island. The Cha­pel was to be a pla­ce of gathe­ring and orien­ta­tion. The fore­st of San Gior­gio has a fan struc­tu­re of walks, star­ting from Pal­la­dio’s cloi­sters towards the Lagoon. The Mor­ning Cha­pel is along one of the­se long paths, and sits right befo­re this wal­king line mee­ts the water.

The Mor­ning Cha­pel is pre­sen­ted as a wall paral­lel to the path. This wall has a door, offe­ring the option to step asi­de from the com­mon rou­te and cross it, get­ting into the fore­st. The cha­pel beco­mes a door to the gran­der enti­ty to which it belongs: a natu­ral dome made out of the adja­cen­cy of tree bran­ches. The frag­men­ta­ry con­di­tion of the cha­pel is thus com­ple­men­ted by the pine fore­st, and bor­ro­ws its natu­ral qua­li­ties from the trees in it: the smell, the fresh air, the noi­ses and the light. Both ele­men­ts, built and vege­tal, form a natu­ral clea­ran­ce that embra­ces the visi­tor, and crea­te a pla­ce to stay. It is a chan­ge of rhy­thm, a chan­ge of breath. 

The cho­sen site for the Cha­pel is at the eastern part of the island, whe­re the mor­ning starts and the cha­pel can catch the fir­st sun of the day. This cha­pel is an ear­ly mor­ning pla­ce, whe­re the fir­st sun­light beco­mes visi­ble throu­gh a ray of light that tre­spas­ses an ocu­lus in its wall. The Mor­ning Cha­pel, cat­ching the sun­light on its walls, and the island fore­st, a con­ti­nuous cano­py in dar­k­ness, toge­ther esta­blish a quiet pla­ce, an invi­ta­tion to sit alo­ne or in a group. Once the­re, one is con­fron­ted with the same end that the lineal walk was lea­ding to. The dif­fe­ren­ce is that The Mor­ning Cha­pel builds ano­ther per­spec­ti­ve and a mee­ting pla­ce: its open con­di­tion wel­co­mes all kinds of visi­tors to this side of Venice.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici