Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Ale­jan­dro Beautell
Loca­tion Avda. Radioa­fi­cio­na­dos 4, 38320, La Lagu­na, Tene­ri­fe, Spain
Desi­gn Team

Hil­de­bran­do Díaz — Quan­ti­ty surveyor
Ale­jan­dro Mesa — Indu­strial engineer
Fla­vio Dor­ta — Draftsman
José C. Díaz — Architect

Anno 2019
Pho­to credits

Pho­to­gra­pher — Fla­vio Dor­ta (All files)

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The inter­ven­tion con­si­sted of tran­sfor­ming an exi­sting struc­tu­re of unfi­ni­shed buil­ding, it wasn’t com­ple­ted for various rea­sons, in the new and much nee­ded tem­ple for Las Man­te­cas neighbourhood.
Given the sta­te of dete­rio­ra­tion which the struc­tu­re pre­sen­ted after more than ten years of aban­don­ment, the parish com­mu­ni­ty had deci­ded to adapt and finish up the exi­sting rein­for­ced con­cre­te struc­tu­re and thus avoid its fur­ther decaying.
The inten­tion of new las Man­te­cas Church desi­gn was not to absorb the pre-exi­­sting struc­tu­re, but to respect­ful­ly inter­ve­ne embra­cing its ori­gi­nal form. As the inter­ven­tion avoi­ded sub­stan­tial chan­ges to the exi­sting struc­tu­re, the com­mu­ni­ty in the futu­re can deci­de to expand the buil­ding exe­cu­ting it in phases.
For this pur­po­se, wood is used as the only enclo­su­re and spa­ce divi­sion mate­rial. This dif­fe­ren­tia­tion in mate­rials makes pos­si­ble to esta­blish a for­mal distinc­tion bet­ween the new work and the exi­sting one, in a gestu­re that respec­ts the author­ship of the par­tial­ly rai­sed structure.
The main access to the new Church buil­ding is from the lower level of the plot throu­gh a con­cre­te squa­re, sur­roun­ded by lar­ge plan­ters. The main faça­de of the Church is clo­sed with fol­ding woo­den doors that allow the spa­ce to open com­ple­te­ly to the outsi­de when it is neces­sa­ry to expand the capa­ci­ty of the Church.
At the for­mal level, the new parish Church is a lumi­nous and auste­re con­struc­tion, with the exclu­si­ve use of two mate­rials: wood for the ver­ti­cal walls and con­cre­te for the floors and the altar.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

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