Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner César Guer­re­ro
Loca­tion Cal­le Bri­da y Qui­je­ra SN, Col Fomer­rey 113, Esco­be­do, Nue­vo León, México.
Desi­gn Team

Pro­ject: S‑AR
Archi­tec­ts in char­ge: Cesar Guer­re­ro, Ana Ceci­lia Garza
Col­la­bo­ra­tors: Luis Fer­nan­do De la Gar­za, Gabrie­la Celis

Anno 2019
Pho­to credits

All pho­tos by Ana Ceci­lia Gar­za Villarreal

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The pro­ject is defi­ned as a mini­mum spa­ce to pray and medi­ta­te. Sepa­ra­ted by few meters from the main cha­pel, this tiny ora­to­ry seeks to crea­te spa­ce to pau­se and reflect, crea­ting a rela­tion­ship with the trees that sur­roun­ded the property.
A con­cre­te struc­tu­re con­fi­nes the spa­ce on 3 of its sides and also forms the floor and roof. One of the­se sides is bare­ly per­fo­ra­ted to allow the natu­ral light, wind and rain fil­ter gen­tly throu­gh spa­ce. The remai­ning side of the spa­ce, com­ple­te­ly free, give pla­ce to the woo­den doors that repeat the sha­pe of the inte­rior spa­ce indi­ca­ting the access, the mate­rial chan­ge and the spa­tial ten­sion bet­ween inte­rior and exte­rior. That way, the con­cre­te shell pro­tec­ts and the woo­den skin recei­ves and wel­co­me the visitor.
Insi­de, a second struc­tu­re of woo­den bars finds a pla­ce in this niche-like spa­ce, see­king to echo and con­tra­st ‑at the same time- the bea­ring struc­tu­re of con­cre­te and its linear and modu­lar ele­men­ts. This second woo­den struc­tu­re is bent to form the bench, inte­rior roof and the back­ground for the mini­mum altar.
La Pro­vi­den­cia responds to the reque­st of the Father Alber­to Lopez Mon­tiel (from the San Rafael Arcan­gel de Mon­ter­rey Parish) to crea­te and revi­ta­li­ze public spa­ces near­by the cha­pel throu­gh this small archi­tec­tu­ral inter­ven­tions, crea­ting mee­ting pla­ces for the popu­la­tion of the­se nei­gh­bo­rhoods loca­ted at the skirts of Cer­ro del Topo Chi­co in the north area of the city of Monterrey.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici