Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Gerhard Sacher
Loca­tion Ruhewald Schloss Tam­bach e.K. Schlos­sal­lee 7, 96479 Wei­tram­sdorf OT Tam­bach, Germany
Desi­gn Team

Gerhard Sacher
Eric Locicero

Anno 2018
Pho­to credits

Seba­stian Kolm —

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Cha­pel „ Ruhewald Schloss Tambach“
Tam­bach Castle, who­se owner Hein­rich Graf zu Orten­burg runs the “Ruhewald Schloss Tam­bach”, is embed­ded in the gen­tly hil­ly land­sca­pe near the town of Coburg.
The fore­st ceme­te­ry „Ruhewald Schloss Tam­bach“ offers peo­ple to find their final resting pla­ce in the natu­re of the fore­st. The tree popu­la­tion of the fore­st ceme­te­ry has a lan­d­­sca­­pe­­park-like character.
In many reli­gions and cul­tu­res the ceme­te­ry is a sacred pla­ce and is usual­ly loca­ted in very spe­cial sce­nic pla­ces. Tombs and pla­ces of wor­ship are some­ti­mes among the olde­st testi­mo­nies of human civilization.
In its clear form, the devo­tio­nal room fol­lo­ws the pro­por­tions of the gol­den sec­tion accor­ding to the tea­chings of the “Vitru­vian Man” by Leo­nar­do da Vin­ci. It should con­vey sim­pli­ci­ty and open­ness and offer visi­tors and their sur­vi­vors a pro­tec­ti­ve cover.
The cha­pel has a floor spa­ce of about 36 squa­re meters and is con­struc­ted as a woo­den con­struc­tion. Seven woo­den arches rising upwards form the inner spa­ce. Star­ting with the lower arch at the entran­ce side, who­se height of 4.79m is exac­tly the width of the cha­pel, up to the highe­st arch, who­se height of 7.75m cor­re­sponds exac­tly to the length of the chapel.
The outer clad­ding con­sists of split larch wood shin­gles which will fuse with the envi­ron­ment over the years due to natu­ral wea­the­ring. The gene­rou­sly gla­zed gable sides inte­gra­te the sea­sons into the inte­rior and crea­te dif­fe­rent lighting moods.
The inte­rior con­sists only of 3 sim­ple woo­den ben­ches and 3 altar tables.
The court in the front of the cha­pel takes up the form of the devo­tio­nal spa­ce in frag­men­ts and is inten­ded as a tran­si­tion bet­ween the fore­st cemen­ta­ry and the devo­tio­nal space.
Sea­ting sto­nes inlaid in the natu­ral area of Bam­berg sand­sto­nes allow visi­tors to rest at this pla­ce of remem­bran­ce even outsi­de ope­ning hours.
Har­mo­niou­sly inte­gra­ted into the trees of the cemen­ta­ry fore­st, this devo­tio­nal room will crea­te an extraor­di­na­ry atmo­sphe­re. The clear orien­ta­tion of the room and the direc­ting of the view into the fore­st crea­te an inter­play bet­ween natu­re, man and sacred space.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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Foto inter­ni

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