Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Archi­tec­tu­re­stu­dio
Loca­tion Cré­teil
Desi­gn Team


Anno 2015
Pho­to credits

01_Yves Mer­nier
02_Yves Mernier
01_Luc Boegly
02_Luc Boegly
03_Luc Boegly
04_Luc Boegly
05_Luc Boegly
06_Luc Boegly
07_Luc Boegly
08_Luc Boegly

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Archi­tec­tu­re­stu­dio wished to respect the archi­tec­tu­re of Char­les Gusta­ve Sto­sko­pf, typi­cal of the eccle­sio­lo­gy of the 1970s: a church buried in the city. A dia­lo­gue is esta­bli­shed bet­ween the two archi­tec­tu­ral wri­tings, dif­fe­rent but cohe­rent in their geo­me­try. The silhouet­te of the ori­gi­nal entran­ce, on a human sca­le, is lin­ked to the monu­men­tal volu­me of the new pro­ject, con­cen­tra­ted on the nave of the cathedral.
The sha­pe of the dome is based on the plan lay­out of the ori­gi­nal buil­ding. It extends towards the sky in the form of two sphe­ri­cal shells which, like two hands joi­ned toge­ther, meet abo­ve the altar. Tri­bu­nes can take pla­ce in this new spa­ce, signi­fi­can­tly increa­sing the capa­ci­ty of the cathe­dral. The exi­sting choir is pre­ser­ved and the sea­ts are distri­bu­ted around it like a hemi­cy­cle. During the day, the stai­ned glass win­do­ws, loca­ted at the junc­tion of the two hulls, give a colour­ful light to the choir, whi­le at night, the stai­ned glass win­do­ws illu­mi­na­ted from insi­de repre­sent the signal in the city of a living Chri­stian com­mu­ni­ty. The bell tower, deta­ched from the buil­ding at the cor­ner of the squa­re, punc­tua­tes the entran­ce to the cathe­dral with its slen­der silhouet­te. It resto­res an urban sca­le, ensu­res the inte­gra­tion of the cathe­dral into the city and acts as a spi­ri­tual signal that rises towards the sky. The poin­ted dome resto­res the cathe­dra­l’s pre­sen­ce and gives a new “face” to the lar­ge apart­ment buil­dings that make up the district. The fore­court and the new land­sca­ped squa­re of the cathe­dral ven­ti­la­te the sur­roun­ding spa­ce, requa­li­fy it, whi­le giving a dyna­mic to the parish life.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici