Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Zde­něk Fránek
Loca­tion Hra­de­clí 2192, 252 28 Čer­noši­ce, Czech Republic
Desi­gn Team

Frá­nek archi­tec­ts, s.r.o.
Zde­něk Fránek

Anno 2010
Pho­to credits

01 ext — Ester Havlová
02 ext — 05 ext — Petr Polák, Stu­dio Petrohrad
01 int — 05 int — Petr Polák, Stu­dio Petrohrad

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The pla­stic spa­ce of the church of the fra­ter­nal church is wrap­ped in a brick rib­bon, which has a ser­ra­ted and wrin­kled sur­fa­ce insi­de and out to sup­port the per­cep­tion of its pla­sti­ci­ty. Insi­de, it crea­tes an acou­stic com­fort. The rooms are illu­mi­na­ted by indi­rect day­light throu­gh hid­den ope­nings. The actual part of the church is pla­ced in the water area. One to mir­ror the assem­bly spa­ce, on the one hand for bap­ti­sm ceremonies.
The church in Čer­noši­ce has the same buil­ding pro­gram as the church in Lito­myšl. Two com­pe­ti­tions were announ­ced for both of them at the same time, we won in both of them, both of them star­ted to be built at once and both were fini­shed at once. Both are com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent depen­ding on local conditions.
With a bit of poe­try: the new church in Čer­noši­ce is whi­te as a duvet, poin­ted and at the same time round like the wings of an angel, its sur­fa­ce is struc­tu­red, like fea­thers, ser­ra­ted, like a ski slo­pe in the mor­ning, like a dove and a pen­guin, it is said to be a ship, but I don’t know any­thing about that. It is a brick vault facing the sky like a con­tai­ner for rain, whe­re the lit­tle con­cre­te we used can be seen for cla­ri­ty. Just as the Baro­que is for­med by an bound­less river of bricks flo­wing in all direc­tions, the Church of Čer­noši­ce is, in a way, the oppo­si­te — a sophi­sti­ca­ted brick shell. It is not only the hou­se of prayer, but also the home of the great brotherhood.
The inspi­ra­tion for the form of the church was the dra­wings of Paul Klee’s angels. And not one dra­wing, becau­se all of them, as a set, repre­sent to me an expla­na­tion of what I would call ange­lic phy­sio­gno­my. The church is thus a depic­tion of an angel not one but puni­shes all throu­gh whom God speaks to people.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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Foto inter­ni

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