Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Elke Rei­chel
Loca­tion Hil­de­gard­weg 68, 88662 Über­lin­gen, Baden-Wür­t­­te­m­­berg, Germany
Desi­gn Team

LP 1–5: Rei­chel Schla­ier Archi­tek­ten GmbH
Freie Archi­tek­ten Stuttgart
mit Seba­stian Woc­ken­fuss, Stuttgart
LP 6–9: Archi­tek­tur­lo­kal Sel­bach, Kneer & Partner
Freie Archi­tek­ten mbB, Ravensburg

Anno 2018
Pho­to credits

all Pho­to­gra­phs: Bri­gi­da González

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The asym­me­tric buil­ding con­sists of two volu­mes. The lar­ger part with its steep roof incli­na­tion hou­ses the nave and seve­ral mul­­ti-pur­­po­­se rooms that can be con­nec­ted to the nave by mobi­le par­ti­tion walls for lar­ger ser­vi­ces. The sacri­sty and adja­cent rooms are loca­ted in the smal­ler, flat­ter part. The encom­pas­sing rib­bon of the faça­de made of dark cement shin­gles recon­nec­ts the­se two volu­mes into one sin­gle sculpture.
The buil­ding is ente­red throu­gh a gla­zed joint bet­ween the two volu­mes, whe­re the rib­bon leads inwards. The foyer leads visi­tors direc­tly into the nave which is bright and wel­co­ming. Whi­te pla­ster walls and light maple-wood fur­ni­tu­re give the spa­ce light­ness and tranquility.
The nave is lit by ver­ti­cal, fixed sla­ts in the church hall’s faça­de con­nec­ted by trans­lu­cent strips of gla­zing. The faça­de abo­ve this light strip can­ti­le­vers slightly to the outsi­de and thus crea­tes a nar­row gal­le­ry that pro­vi­des spa­ce for the organ.
The sim­ple altar made of bru­shed Jura lime­sto­ne is the cen­tre of the spa­ce that has room for 150 wor­ship­pers. A roo­flight lights up the wall behind the altar and makes it appear vir­tual­ly immaterial.

Thanks to its uni­que sha­pe, the church buil­ding clear­ly sets itself apart from the resi­den­tial buil­dings sur­roun­ding it, whi­le for­ming a con­nec­tion bet­ween the outskirts of the city and the adjoi­ning land­sca­pe at the same time. The land­sca­ping is deli­be­ra­te­ly sub­tle, with only a few trees com­ple­men­ting the exi­sting landscape.
The church buil­ding was built as a sustai­na­ble and cost-effe­c­­ti­­ve woo­den fra­me con­struc­tion. The inner walls are cove­red with clay buil­ding boards and clay pla­ster to impro­ve room cli­ma­te as well as the level of com­fort in the space.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici