Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Pablo Manuel Mil­lán Millán
Loca­tion Mar­tín de la Jara (Sevil­la, España).
Desi­gn Team

Pablo‑M. Mil­lán Mil­lán, architect
Javier Ser­ra­no Ter­ro­nes, tech­ni­cal architect

Anno 2017
Pho­to credits

Javier Cal­le­jas Sevilla

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

In qui­bus visi­ta­vit nos, oriens ex alto.
To think of a spa­ce desti­ned to hou­se the Bles­sed Sacra­ment is to think of a very spe­ci­fic area within a tem­ple, the Sanc­ta San­to­rum, a pla­ce for the encoun­ter with God. If we ana­ly­ze how the­se spa­ces have mate­ria­li­zed throu­ghout the histo­ry of archi­tec­tu­re, we obser­ve a radi­cal impor­tan­ce of geo­me­try and strong direc­tio­na­li­ty. Under the­se pre­mi­ses, Die­go de Siloé will draw a new Renais­san­ce plan for the cathe­dral of Gra­na­da with the sole objec­ti­ve of being an impo­sing custo­dy or later Leo­nar­do de Figue­roa will do the same with the baro­que San Luis de los Franceses.
“By the ten­der mer­cy of our God, the sun that rises from abo­ve will visit us.” The Light, accor­ding to the theo­lo­gi­cal expe­rien­ce of Zacha­rias, comes from abo­ve and is the dai­ly proof of the good­ness of God towards his peo­ple. Evi­den­ce of this truth has undoub­ted­ly been the inten­tion by making a spa­ce in which only an ope­ning abo­ve sho­ws dai­ly to the pari­shio­ners of the cha­pel that God is with his people.
The con­struc­tion of this small cha­pel starts from the need of the adja­cent church to intro­du­ce light. Thus, the pro­ject ari­ses from a sin­gle reflec­tion, crea­ting “a box for the Light”, with the dou­ble mea­ning of being a box that con­tains light for the rest of the tem­ple and of being a pla­ce that will con­tain the Light for all Chri­stians: the Bles­sed Sacra­ment. Sear­ching for light, pos­si­bly the most impor­tant task of any archi­tect, has beco­me latent in this pro­ject by making a con­tai­ner spa­ce that due to its orien­ta­tion and zenith ope­ning is capa­ble of intro­du­cing cla­ri­ty throu­ghout the church. Thus, the enti­re sur­fa­ce will be whi­te and clean. Fol­lo­wing this same cri­te­rion, the floor of the rest of the tem­ple will be chan­ged with the aim of grea­ter luminosity.
The search for an essen­tial, bare spa­ce, without any ele­ment that could distort what is radi­cal­ly impor­tant in a sacra­men­tal cha­pel, has led us to opt for a Fran­ci­scan archi­tec­tu­re, sober, clean of form and deco­ra­tion. The pre­ci­sion sought in a spa­ce of the­se cha­rac­te­ri­stics will be deter­mi­ned by a strict, radi­cal geo­me­try, without any option that could be a rea­son for disper­sion. Thus, a con­cen­tra­ted spa­ce will be a clean and illu­mi­na­ted spa­ce, a spa­ce in which the Bles­sed Sacra­ment is the cen­ter, and in an almo­st theo­pha­nic way, light is proof of this.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici