Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Mat­thias Ludwig
Loca­tion Gäu­straße 5, 72108 Rot­ten­burg am Nec­kar, Germany
Desi­gn Team

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Mat­thias Ludwig
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Ant­je Krauter
bfa I büro für architektur

Anno 2017
Pho­to credits

Valen­tin Wormbs, Stuttgart

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Con­ver­sion and reno­va­tion of the Hei­lig Gei­st Church in Rot­­te­n­­burg-Erge­n­­zi­n­­gen, Octo­ber 2017

“Under a tent roof”

A church as an open spa­ce, which is adap­ted to the needs of the pre­sent with pre­ci­se instal­la­tions: some­ti­mes a suc­ces­sful con­ver­sion con­sists of doing only the bare neces­si­ties, but with con­vic­tion. The catho­lic Holy Spi­rit Church in Ergen­zin­gen, part of the parish of Rot­ten­burg am Nec­kar in the district of Tübin­gen, was built in the six­ties by father and son Eugen and Rai­ner Zin­smei­ster. This impres­si­ve buil­ding has now been reno­va­ted by bfa | offi­ce for archi­tec­tu­re from Stutt­gart. The requi­re­men­ts for this pro­ject were typi­cal of tho­se for many con­gre­ga­tions in Ger­ma­ny. On the one hand the size of the buil­ding no lon­ger cor­re­spon­ded to the num­ber of mem­bers and the litur­gi­cal prac­ti­ces, on the other the com­mu­ni­ty nee­ded more spa­ce for addi­tio­nal acti­vi­ties. The fixed sea­ts have the­re­fo­re been redu­ced in num­ber from 600 to 200, which can be fle­xi­bly sup­ple­men­ted as requi­red by an addi­tio­nal 100. This has crea­ted oppor­tu­ni­ties for secu­lar uses of the church spa­ce such as con­certs or exhi­bi­tions. By means of various fit­tings made of var­ni­shed hem­lock pine and light-colou­­red con­cre­te, bfa make distinc­tions within the buil­ding in both litur­gi­cal and prac­ti­cal terms. The focus is still on the altar area and the cor­re­spon­ding „com­mu­ni­ty island“, which have been sup­ple­men­ted by an open bap­ti­stry and a more inti­ma­te mee­ting area loca­ted under the organ loft. The chair sto­re, a small tea kit­chen and toi­le­ts are also loca­ted here.
The desi­gn of the­se spa­tial inter­ven­tions stands in con­tra­st to the exi­si­ting buil­ding, but does not nega­te it. A sen­se of con­ti­nui­ty should be deli­be­ra­te­ly esta­bli­shed, achie­ved, among­st other means, by mono­li­thic forms and sym­pa­the­tic mate­rials. In addi­tion Trans­so­lar have pro­vi­ded the buil­ding with an eco­no­mic approach to ener­gy use, whi­le the sen­si­ti­ve illu­mi­na­tion is by Din­ne­bier Licht. The suc­ces­sful desi­gn is com­pli­men­ted by abstract litur­gi­cal objec­ts by the sculp­tor Her­bert Lan­kl, which are in kee­ping with the archi­tec­tu­ral spi­rit of the time of the church‘s ori­gi­nal construction.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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