Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Ebe­rhard Wimmer
Loca­tion Pfarr­weg 3, 83607, Hol­z­kir­chen, Bavaria
Desi­gn Team

Ebe­rhard Wimmer
Clau­dia Cholewa
Simon Schöffmann
Tama­ra León-Arteaga
Mar­kus Teichmann
Alen Hausmeister

Anno 2018
Pho­to credits

Pho­to 1 Exter­nal: Achim Bunz, Archie­pi­sco­pal Ordi­na­ria­te Munich ( AOM)
Pho­to 1 Inter­nal: Achim Bunz, Archie­pi­sco­pal Ordi­na­ria­te Munich ( AOM)
Pho­to 2 Exter­nal: Ebe­rhard Wimmer
Pho­to 2 Inter­nal: Achim Bunz, Archie­pi­sco­pal Ordi­na­ria­te Munich ( AOM)
Pho­to 3 Exter­nal: Achim Bunz, Archie­pi­sco­pal Ordi­na­ria­te Munich ( AOM)
Pho­to 3 Interna:l Achim Bunz, Archie­pi­sco­pal Ordi­na­ria­te Munich ( AOM)
Pho­to 4 Exter­nal: Ebe­rhard Wimmer
Pho­to 4 Inter­nal: Achim Bunz, Archie­pi­sco­pal Ordi­na­ria­te Munich ( AOM)
Pho­to 5 Exter­nal: Ebe­rhard Wimmer
Pho­to 5 Inter­nal: Achim Bunz, Archie­pi­sco­pal Ordi­na­ria­te Munich ( AOM)

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The new St.Josef church and cha­pel are loca­ted in the pre-Alpi­­ne town of Hol­z­kir­chen near the train sta­tion. It repla­ces Franz Ruf’s pre­de­ces­sor from 1959–62, of which the free-sta­n­­ding tower was pre­ser­ved. With the cam­pa­ni­le on the street, the new reli­gious buil­dings fra­me the new church fore­court. The wide glass front of the foyer invi­tes you to enter.
The buil­dings of the sacri­sty and the futu­re 2nd buil­ding pha­se adjoi­ning to the north are assi­gned to a cove­red path. This is part of a cros­sroads that crea­tes new con­nec­tions and visual rela­tion­ships on the rising property.

The desi­gn idea of the church is sho­wn in the desi­gn of the mesh-like lat­ti­ce shell in the form of an incli­ned cone with a sky­light. Oval hori­zon­tal rings and inter­sec­ting spi­ral­ly ascen­ding dia­go­nals crea­te the inten­ded dyna­mic and shel­te­ring spa­tial desi­gn. A para­bo­lic arched win­dow com­ple­men­ts the light direc­ted towards the altar area with some prin­ci­ples taken from the old church.

The con­struc­ti­ve wood is deli­be­ra­te­ly edged in detail. The trian­gu­lar panels hide tech­ni­cal inter­nals and are acou­sti­cal­ly effec­ti­ve. In the smal­ler cha­pel, the tent-like raf­ter struc­tu­re is sho­wn on the insi­de by con­ca­ve acou­stic shells.

The basic idea to build a buil­ding of long dura­tion with rea­di­ly avai­la­ble regio­nal mate­rials, wood, con­cre­te and glass in a steel fra­me and as lit­tle tech­no­lo­gy as pos­si­ble, a buil­ding easy to use and to main­tain, runs throu­gh the buil­ding pro­ject. The buil­dings meet the high stan­dards of envi­ron­men­tal com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty and free­dom from pol­lu­tan­ts for peo­ple that are taken for gran­ted today.

With the new Catho­lic church cen­ter St.Joseph, the town of Hol­z­kir­chen not only wins a new stri­king main church for the parish asso­cia­tion with impro­ved uses and a cha­pel for alter­na­ti­ve forms of litur­gy, but also an attrac­ti­ve urban spa­ce, a reco­gni­za­ble buil­ding ensem­ble and a repre­sen­ta­ti­ve inte­rior with excel­lent acou­stics for diver­se socio-cul­­tu­­ral uses in the future. 

Ebe­rhard Wimmer

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici