Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Peter Krebs
Loca­tion Bie­n­wald­stras­se 18, d‑76137, Karl­sru­he, Baden-Wuerttemberg
Desi­gn Team

Ste­fa­nie Sch­mitt (pro­jec­tar­chi­tect sin­ce 2015), Ale­xan­der Schil­ling (pro­jec­tar­chi­tect till end 2014), Peter Hof­f­mann, Ani­ta Michal­ski, Phi Long Ngo, Chri­sto­ph Pan­zer. Com­pe­ti­tion: Lena Bedal, Ani­ta Michal­ski, Ale­xan­der Schil­ling, Ste­fa­nie Schmitt

Anno 2017
Pho­to credits

All Pho­to­gra­phs: Bri­gi­da González

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The Petrus-Jako­­bus-Church is part of a new ensem­ble toge­ther with a pro­te­stant Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter and is situa­ted at the south end of a local mar­ket­pla­ce. The brick ensem­ble crea­tes a calm, endu­ring ensem­ble in the nei­gh­bou­rhood. From a distan­ce, the buil­ding appears intro­ver­ted, howe­ver once insi­de, the spa­tial sequen­ce con­si­sting of sanc­tua­ry, church hall and two com­mu­ni­ty halls opens up towards a cour­tyard, which func­tions as a con­nec­tion bet­ween the church and the com­mu­ni­ty cen­ter and as the entran­ce spa­ce from outsi­de. It can be used for an outsi­de ‚come toge­ther’. The church and the com­mu­ni­ty cen­ter can be ope­ned to this space.

The outsi­de of the walls is con­struc­ted with bricks and is coa­ted with very thin pla­ster­slur­ry to brighten up the walls and to refer to the bright flat­buil­dings in the nei­gh­bou­rhood. A sequen­ce of til­ted roof­seg­men­ts con­nec­ts the buil­ding­parts toge­ther and refers also to the tra­di­tio­nal gabled roofs in the nei­gh­bou­rhood. The roof gives the church inte­rior it’s shape. 

The­re are to big win­do­ws situa­ted in a lightspa­ce abo­ve the altar: One win­dow opens to the east and one to the south. The chan­ging light throu­gh the­se both win­do­ws crea­tes the atmo­sphe­re insi­de the church throu­ghout the day.

An est-west-seque­n­­ce of inter­nal cou­r­­tyard-spa­­ces with trees in the sou­th­si­de of the Church and the Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter forms a distan­ce zone to the appart­ment­buil­dings situa­ted in the south, which are the result of a town­pla­ning pro­po­sal in the competition.

An inter­nal east-west ‚street’ con­nec­ts all spa­ces and ends up (or starts) with the bap­ti­smal font in the church. Like the altar it is also desi­gned by the archi­tec­ts. The colou­red glas­swin­do­ws have been took over from the for­mer church­buil­dings. The mate­rials in the church are lime­sto­ne, wood, lit­tle metall and the pla­ste­red walls with light sili­ca­te paint.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici