Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Derek Dellekamp/Jachen Schleich + Cami­lo Restrepo
Loca­tion Cobar­ru­bias 102, 62900, Joju­tla de Juá­rez, Morelos
Desi­gn Team

Dellekamp/Schleich: Derek Del­le­kamp, Jachen Schleich, Fran­ci­sco Eduar­do Fran­co Ramí­rez, Jose Manuel Estra­da, Gusta­vo Her­nán­dez, Eli­za­beth Moli­na, Sana Fri­ni, Samue­le Xom­pe­ro, San­tia­go Sit­ten, Maria­na Víquez
AGEN­dA: Cami­lo Restre­po Ochoa, Maria­na Mejía, Cami­lo Toro, Hel­len Winter

Anno 2020
Pho­to credits

All files San­dra Pereznieto

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

On Sep­tem­ber 19, 2017, exac­tly 32 years after the ear­th­qua­ke that deva­sta­ted Mexi­co in 1985, the tra­ge­dy was repea­ted, just a few hours after the drill that com­me­mo­ra­ted this anni­ver­sa­ry, Mexi­co suf­fe­red ano­ther ear­th­qua­ke that destroyed or ren­de­red uni­n­ha­bi­ta­ble public buil­dings and more than 100,000 homes. 

Archi­tec­ts in Mexi­co City focu­sed on a joint ini­tia­ti­ve cal­led Recon­struir Méxi­co (Rebuild Mexi­co); hun­dreds of archi­tec­ts and urban plan­ners came toge­ther and tac­kled the pro­blems from various fron­ts. Among the archi­tec­ts com­mit­ted to this joint effort were Derek Del­le­kamp and his offi­ce (Del­le­kamp Arqui­tec­tos), toge­ther with AGEN­dA agen­cia de arqui­tec­tu­ra, led by Colombia’s Cami­lo Restre­po Ochoa, who soon joi­ned in throu­gh the Pien­za Soste­ni­ble pro­gram, which focu­sed on desi­gn and fun­drai­sing for rural hou­sing affec­ted by the earthquake. 

In the case of Joju­tla, in the sta­te of More­los, hou­sing pro­grams were imme­dia­te­ly laun­ched. The­re­fo­re Car­los Zedil­lo, with his com­pre­hen­si­ve vision of urban plan­ning and repai­ring both the social fabric and public spa­ce, deci­ded to focus INFO­NA­VI­T’s efforts on dra­wing up a master plan for this city’s recon­struc­tion. Our team was in char­ge of the recon­struc­tion of the San­tua­rio del Señor de Tula (a pla­ce of wor­ship with a listed sta­tus and more than five cen­tu­ries of histo­ry) and Ran­che­ría El Higue­rón (a com­mu­ni­ty cen­ter con­si­sting of a park-libra­­ry with a pro­gram for cul­tu­ral and admi­ni­stra­tion work­shops and com­mu­ni­ty acti­vi­ties). The­se two pro­jec­ts, althou­gh dif­fe­rent in their for­mal con­cep­tion, respond to simi­lar ideas, a result of con­ver­sa­tions bet­ween the two stu­dios in char­ge, and the exchan­ges of their respec­ti­ve ideas.

The urgen­cy of the situa­tion requi­red the use of affor­da­ble and easi­ly acces­si­ble mate­rials and labor, hen­ce the deci­sion to use con­cre­te for both pro­jec­ts. Also, under­stan­ding the social and cli­ma­tic con­text led us to think about spa­tial typo­lo­gies and models accor­ding to the pla­ce and its opportunities. 

Ulti­ma­te­ly both pro­jec­ts seek to build thre­shold spa­ces, of unde­fi­ned limi­ts, without clear­ly distin­gui­shing bet­ween inte­rior or exte­rior, and in this ambi­gui­ty they can be used in various ways, but abo­ve all they can beco­me a home for everyone.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici