Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Sok Tuan Tan
Loca­tion 25 Eve­ritt Road North Sin­ga­po­re 428538
Desi­gn Team

Sok Tuan Tan (Prin­ci­pal Desi­gner / Architect)
Euni­ce Wung Shuk Pui (Inte­rior Desi­gner / Archi­tec­tu­ral Assistant)

Anno 2017
Pho­to credits

EmmanuelEveritt_E01 (Khoo Guo Jie)
EmmanuelEveritt_E02 (Khoo Guo Jie)
EmmanuelEveritt_E03 (Khoo Guo Jie)
EmmanuelEveritt_E04 (Roland Tan Yeow Teck)
EmmanuelEveritt_E05 (Khoo Guo Jie)
EmmanuelEveritt_I01 (Roland Tan Yeow Teck)
EmmanuelEveritt_I02 (Roland Tan Yeow Teck)
EmmanuelEveritt_I03 (Khoo Guo Jie)
EmmanuelEveritt_I04 (Khoo Guo Jie)
EmmanuelEveritt_I05 (Khoo Guo Jie)

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Pas­sing by Emma­nuel @ Eve­ritt, one can easi­ly think it is just ano­ther hou­se along the resi­den­tial street that is stran­ge­ly mis­sing a front gate. As plan­ning regu­la­tions dic­ta­ted that no reli­gious icons are allo­wed, a pair of inver­ted L‑shaped door hand­les at the front entran­ce and lines etched into the rear faca­de sub­tly gestu­re the cross. 

This is a small church sit­ting on 200sqm sli­ver of land in a matu­re lan­ded resi­den­tial esta­te. Plans for rebuil­ding the ori­gi­nal 1940s church came about after hea­vy down­pour, ren­de­red it unsa­fe for occu­pa­tion. The uni­que set­ting of a reli­gious buil­ding in a resi­den­tial area rai­sed con­cerns for the plan­ning autho­ri­ty. A pro­trac­ted 4‑year appeal pro­cess to rezo­ne the resi­den­tial site as a Pla­ce of Wor­ship was even­tual­ly won in April 2015, with the total floor area cap­ped at ori­gi­nal buil­ding foot­print. Rebuil­ding this church took 7 years. 

The chal­len­ge of accom­mo­da­ting the 3 key areas — Sanc­tua­ry, Fel­lo­w­ship Area and Offi­ce — in a tiny buil­ding requi­red cle­ver mani­pu­la­tion of spa­ce. Adding to that car porch dou­bling as con­gre­ga­tion spa­ce, crea­ti­ve­ly car­ved out sto­ra­ge spa­ce and flip down tables not unli­ke air­pla­ne tables in the coun­sel­ling room, allo­wed almo­st for the evo­lu­tion of a new archi­tec­tu­ral form, one that bor­ro­ws ele­men­ts from resi­den­tial typo­lo­gy, re-defi­­ning tra­di­tio­nal “church” typo­lo­gy, moving towards the idea of a “micro-church”, or an infor­mal hou­­se-church. The result is a sin­gu­lar off-form con­cre­te volu­me sen­si­ti­ve­ly inser­ted into an exi­sting fabric of 2 and 3‑storey resi­den­tial houses. 

The hard­ness of con­cre­te, althou­gh a good acou­stic buf­fer, is off­set by lush plan­ting on the roof ter­ra­ce. Natu­ral light is pre­va­lent — from play­ful punc­tu­re of tape­red squa­re ope­nings to the light-floo­­ded stair­well, to stra­te­gi­cal­ly posi­tio­ned sky­light over the steel cross in the sanc­tua­ry — an allu­sion to the church as Light of The World. Names of God — Jesus, Chri­st and Saviour are pain­sta­kin­gly cast in the stair­ca­se using moulds made from blue foam and lovin­gly pla­ste­red by hand.

Aspi­ring to foster com­mu­ni­ty spi­rit and encou­ra­ge social sustai­na­bi­li­ty by assi­mi­la­ting into the nei­gh­bou­rhood makes the church more than just a pla­ce of wor­ship. Unli­ke sur­roun­ding gated hou­ses, doing away with a phy­si­cal gate, with par­ty walls that slo­pe back tru­ly crea­tes an open and wel­co­ming envi­ron­ment. “Church” as defi­ned in the new testa­ment is deri­ved from the Greek word ἐκκλησίᾳ (ekkle­sia) or ‘con­gre­ga­tion’ allu­ding to an assem­bly of believers.

Sin­ga­po­re being a mul­­ti-racial and mul­­ti-reli­­gious coun­try, reli­gious tole­ran­ce is sen­si­ti­ve­ly hand­led. Allo­wing the rezo­ning was not just unpre­ce­den­ted but is real­ly a leap of faith by the plan­ning autho­ri­ties as they have the respon­si­bi­li­ty of ensu­ring pea­ce and good nei­gh­bour­li­ness. This has pro­ven to be a good move, as sin­ce its ope­ning, resi­den­ts have been drop­ping by for cof­fee and con­ver­sa­tions, brin­ging back a “kam­pong” spi­rit, a Malay term for vil­la­ge and camaraderie.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

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