Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Marc Wal­ser
Loca­tion Frei­burg­str. 73, 3280, Mur­ten, Frei­burg, Switzerland
Desi­gn Team

Wal­ser Architekturteam

Anno 2018
Pho­to credits

All Pho­tos by: Marc Walser

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Mur­ten Church

Pro­mi­nent appearance:

The new church con­vin­ces throu­gh its self-con­­fi­­dent appea­ran­ce at this busy loca­tion in the indu­strial area at the edge of the city of Murten.
The buil­ding is divi­ded into two main bodies: The hall which is 11 meters high and the side wing which is 3.80 meters high. Tho­se two struc­tu­res clo­se the spa­ce again­st the street. Toge­ther with the sur­roun­ding wall,
the plant room and the four exi­sting pla­ne trees they build a pro­tec­ted outsi­de spa­ce from whe­re one can enter the foyer. The hall offers 150 sea­ts and gran­ts the buil­ding with its big hight the requi­red pre­sen­ce in this bar­ren landscape.

Sacral atmo­sphe­re:

The insi­de of the hall with its seven nar­row win­do­ws on the nor­th­si­de and the gene­rous sky­light abo­ve the altar, gets a distinct sacral cha­rac­ter throu­gh its intro­ver­ted design.
The smooth sand­bla­sted con­cre­te ele­men­ts give the walls a nice tex­tu­re. The rou­ghly stac­ked altar­wall stands in con­tra­st to the smooth, whi­te, greek mar­ble on the back­si­de of the altar.
Whi­le the rou­gh wall breaks the sun­light from abo­ve, the fine mar­bel reflec­ts it. The cei­ling, the gal­le­ry and the ben­ches made out of spru­ce wood and the floor out of bro­ken schi­st under­li­ne the sacral character.
This sup­ports the belie­vers with their con­tem­pla­tion and the con­nec­tion with the divi­ne light.

Opti­mal room allo­ca­tion plan:

From the pro­tec­ted fore­court, the visi­tors can enter the gene­rous and bright foyer.
It crea­tes the con­nec­tion bet­ween the hall and the side­rooms of the church. At the same time it works as a mee­ting pla­ce and gives spa­ce for dif­fe­rent col­lec­ti­ve events.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici