Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Ricar­do Yslas
Loca­tion Car­re­te­ra Joco­­te­­pec-Cha­­pa­­la 942, Joco­te­pec, Jalisco
Desi­gn Team

Ricar­do Yslas, Ale­jan­dro Beyer, Jaco­bo Díaz, Gusta­vo Ortíz, Jor­dan de La Paz, Erne­sto Ramírez.

Anno 2017
Pho­to credits

Jai­me Navar­ro Soto

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Loca­ted in San Juan Cosa­lá, Jali­sco, RLJ Cha­pel con­si­st of a reli­gious buil­ding that is part of a master plan for an even­ts and hospi­ta­li­ty venue.

Our ini­tial stra­te­gy is based on inte­gra­ting the buil­ding into its imme­dia­te con­text, adap­ting it to the site’s topo­gra­phy and respec­ting the exi­sting vege­ta­tion. The use of expo­sed mate­rials is what defi­nes the pro­ject, being the expo­sed con­cre­te and steel the main mate­rials, con­tra­sting with natu­ral mate­rials such as wood, quar­ry and sto­ne from the region.

To pro­mo­te the com­mu­ni­ty inte­gra­tion, the chapel’s access was pro­jec­ted over the main road, in such way the inha­bi­tan­ts and visi­tors could access the buil­ding despi­te being loca­ted in a pri­va­te plot. 

Outsi­de, the pro­ject has an access patio that works as an atrium, built with car­ved sto­ne, and com­mu­ni­ca­tes to the restrooms, the sacri­sty and the chapel’s inte­rior. This com­mon spa­ce is sur­roun­ded by two mas­si­ve ele­men­ts of sto­ne and con­cre­te, that fra­mes the view towards the moun­tain landscape.

The main volu­me is for­med by two lar­ge con­cre­te walls and a steel struc­tu­re that sha­pes the roof. This open struc­tu­re was desi­gned as a dou­­ble-pit­­ched roof that chan­ges into a flat­te­ned roof. The inte­rior is com­po­sed by a 12 wood ben­ches for 72 peo­ple, a choir area and the altar area.

The con­cre­te walls are exten­ded to hou­se an unco­ve­red cour­tyard ‑that com­mu­ni­ca­tes to the under­ground crypts‑, and holds in the midd­le a steel cross suspen­ded, which was desi­gned and manu­fac­tu­red in-hou­­se. This patio cro­wns to the bot­tom with a pink sto­ne wall desi­gned with a geo­me­tri­cal path that empha­si­ze the patio’s depth. 

Our objec­ti­ve was to crea­te a pla­ce of wor­ship with a mate­ria­li­ty and sim­pli­ci­ty defi­ned by a chapel’s essen­tial ele­men­ts, whe­re the natu­ral light entran­ce and play of tex­tu­res crea­tes a sere­ne and emo­ti­ve environment.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici