Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Ales­san­dro Casadei
Loca­tion Via­le del­le Meda­glie d’O­ro, 400, 00136, Roma, Italia
Desi­gn Team

AKA Archi­tet­ti
Ales­san­dro Casa­dei, Fede­ri­ca Cac­ca­va­le, Pao­lo Pineschi
Desi­gn Team
Mabel Aguer­re, Angel Almen­da­riz Fer­nan­dez, Blan­ca Bea Cirau­qui, Lau­ra Di Dario, Maria Gerar­di, Gra­zia­no Gian­ca­te­ri­na, Mar­ta Hrva­tin, Ain­hoa Ige­ra­te­gi Etxe­ber­ria, Erne­sto Maye­rà, Gia­co­mo Mara­fi­ni, Eli­sa Maz­zo­la, Sil­via Pec­ci, Miche­le Rus­so, Fran­ce­sca Spadaccino

Anno 2016
Pho­to credits

Foto di Alber­to Novelli

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The pro­ject inter­ve­nes on an histo­ri­cal buil­ding, a 5 sto­rey “palaz­zo” in a resi­den­tial area in a North-Western
borou­gh of Rome, by one of the most famous Art Nou­veau Ita­lian archi­tec­ts, Gino Cop­pe­de’. The construction
inclu­ded an Art-Nou­­veau exo­tic gar­den, dila­pi­da­ted after having been neglec­ted for many years.
The pro­ject is based on a strong sepa­ra­tion bet­ween the histo­ri­cal buil­ding, resto­red and brought back to the
ori­gi­nal sta­te as pos­si­ble and the new con­struc­tion. This approach, that avoids ambi­guous contaminations
bet­ween the pre-exi­­sting ele­men­ts and the new ones, is ful­ly repre­sen­ted in the small church rea­li­zed as a buil­ding within the buil­ding, an ark made of woo­den arches wrap­ping the spa­ce (12 – in the num­ber of the Apostles).
The old stairs have been demo­li­shed and repla­ced by a new woo­den sculp­tu­ral stairs that con­nect all levels and
encou­ra­ge to visit the buil­ding, up to the sce­nic ter­ra­ce at the fourth floor that over­sees the enti­re city.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici