Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2020


Desi­gner Susan Jones
Loca­tion 11061 NE 2nd St., Bel­le­vue, WA 98004
Desi­gn Team

Susan Jones, FAIA
Joe Swain
Michel­le Kang
Brooks Brainerd
Mari­sol Foreman
Mesa Sherriff
Dha­ra Goradia
Brett Holverstott
Megu­mi Migita

Anno 2016
Pho­to credits

Exter­nal #1: Fran­ci­sco Lopez de Arenosa
Exter­nal #2,3,4,5: Lara Swim­mer Photography
Inter­nal #1,2,3,4: Lara Swim­mer Photography
Inter­nal #5: Susan Jones

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Using light, mate­ria­li­ty and spa­ce, the sanc­tua­ry was desi­gned to crea­te a sen­se of awe. Upon ente­ring the spa­ce, the con­gre­gant looks up, and sees a rich inter­play of light and sha­dow from hid­den aper­tu­res – from abo­ve, from high side win­do­ws — a huge sub­tle wash of light, chan­ging moment by moment. The light washes down upon the undu­la­ting and fol­ding woo­den wall, throu­gh high, hid­den sky­lights. The woo­den wall stands 40 feet high, each fold of the wall made up of one woo­den panel, 8’ x 40’ high, each dif­fe­rent, yet stan­ding sta­te­ly, uni­que, each with a dif­fe­rent geo­me­try that fur­ther crea­tes a dif­fu­se expe­rien­ce of the light, fal­ling and chan­ging. The woo­den wall is a meta­phor for our simi­lar but uni­que huma­ni­ty, each of us sha­ring our com­mon fate, but having a uni­que role to play. Each panel is com­pri­sed of hun­dreds of small, woo­den pie­ces, all crea­ting an ali­ve and maje­stic com­ple­xi­ty again­st the fal­ling light.

The CLT­Church is an adap­ti­ve reu­se and addi­tion to an exi­sting 1970s offi­ce buil­ding to crea­te a new mixed-use insti­tu­tion, with sanc­tua­ry, clas­srooms, offi­ce, and social ser­vi­ces buil­ding in down­to­wn Bel­le­vue. The 48,926 sf two sto­ry steel fra­me buil­ding was cut open on its NW cor­ner to insert a 6,000 sf 47’ high sanc­tua­ry. The new sanc­tua­ry north wall con­sists of 17 39’ high cross-lami­­na­­ted tim­ber (CLT) fol­ded pla­tes. Washing indi­rect light dow­n­wards from nor­thern sky­lights and full height side win­do­ws, the undu­la­ting CLT is the bac­k­drop for sub­tle day­light expe­rien­ces so com­mon to Paci­fic Nor­th­we­st light under grey skies. The use of cross-lami­­na­­ted tim­ber highlights the Paci­fic Northwest’s regio­nal rela­tion­ship to tim­ber, redu­ces the project’s ove­rall car­bon foot­print, and huma­ni­zes the cold ste­ri­li­ty of the exi­sting two-sto­­ry rib­­bon-win­­dow stuc­co buil­ding. A new bell tower at the street edge of the site is announ­ces the new use to the vehi­­cu­­lar-orie­n­­ted con­text and pede­strian visi­tor ali­ke in the exur­ban city. Desi­gned and built for a very low cost of $160/SF, the pro­ject is a gift to its intent and ear­ne­st pari­shio­ners, who wel­co­me all into their midst.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici