Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2024

kolumbarium-gelo%cc%88bniskirche-maria-schutz-kaiserslautern / Germany

bayer dirk

Pro­get­ti­sta Dirk Bayer und Andrea Uhrig
Loca­tion Bismarck­str. 63 67655 Kaiserslautern
Nazio­ne Ger­ma­ny
Desi­gn Team

bayer | uhrig Archi­tek­ten PartGmbB
Prof. Dirk Bayer Archi­tekt BDA
Prof. Andrea Uhrig Archi­tek­tin BDA
Pro­ject management:
Dipl.Ing. Jea­net­te Wun­der Architektin

Anno 2022
Cre­di­ti Fotografici

Michael Heinrich
Ris­ser­ko­gel Straße 6
81673 München

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Chur­ches are spe­cial pla­ces whe­re we can come to rest and renew our strength, they are ide­n­­ti­­ty-for­­ming and have a social signi­fi­can­ce beyond their actual sacral func­tion. The idea was to inte­gra­te a colum­ba­rium into the church and to adapt the pre­mi­ses to this expan­ded use in the cour­se of a reno­va­tion. Con­tra­ry to cur­rent trends, the church will not beco­me a burial church, but will con­ti­nue to be used as a pasto­ral church. This exten­sion of use suc­ceeds in giving the rooms a new qua­li­ty holistically. 

The urn walls are arran­ged in the side aisles ortho­go­nal­ly to the outer walls. Ten small cha­pels are crea­ted in the sacred spa­ce. The new spa­tial struc­tu­re is respect­ful­ly inte­gra­ted into the rhy­thm. Inti­ma­te pla­ces are crea­ted that never­the­less rela­te to the lar­ge spa­ce. In the cour­se of the rede­di­ca­tion of the cor­ner cha­pels, the bap­ti­smal font as the entran­ce to the Chri­stian com­mu­ni­ty is now loca­ted in the entry area. Whe­re parish life and com­mu­ni­ty cele­bra­tions also take pla­ce, the pasto­ral church wel­co­mes the decea­sed into its mid­st. The pasto­ral and spa­tial con­cept reflec­ts the fact that life and death are inex­tri­ca­bly linked.

The ove­rar­ching the­me for the urn walls is the abstrac­tion of the roset­te. Colours are used with extre­me restraint and are reser­ved for the histo­ri­cal ele­men­ts. The result is a spa­ce of great cla­ri­ty, pea­ce, strength and warmth that car­ries us into the future.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici