Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2024

capi­l­­la-cli­­ni­­ca-ale­­ma­­na-oso­r­­no / Chile

Rodri­go Araya

Pro­get­ti­sta Rodri­go Ara­ya Manzanares
Loca­tion Zen­te­no 1530, 5290000, Osor­no, Los Lagos, Chile
Nazio­ne Chi­le
Desi­gn Team

Rodri­go Araya
Feli­pe Sandoval
Caro­li­na Cárdenas

Anno 2023
Cre­di­ti Fotografici

CAO_EXT01 / Nico­lás Saieh
CAO_EXT02 / Nico­lás Saieh
CAO_EXT03 / Nico­lás Saieh
CAO_EXT04 / Nico­lás Saieh
CAO_EXT05 / Nico­lás Saieh
CAO_INT01 / Nico­lás Saieh
CAO_INT02 / Nico­lás Saieh
CAO_INT03 / Rodri­go Araya
CAO_INT01 / Rodri­go Araya
CAO_INT01 / Nico­lás Saieh

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

Pro­ject Description

The assi­gn­ment con­sists of the con­struc­tion of a pla­ce of wor­ship for the Cor­po­ra­ción de Bene­fi­cen­cia de Osor­no (Clí­ni­ca Ale­ma­na Osor­no). This insti­tu­tion was crea­ted in the midd­le of the 20th cen­tu­ry by citi­zens mostly of Ger­man descent and with the acti­ve sup­port of the Luthe­ran Church. Thus, the crea­tion of a new Luthe­ran Tem­ple, a pla­ce of prayer and reflec­tion for the cli­ni­c’s faci­li­ties, but of an ecu­me­ni­cal natu­re, beco­mes important.

The pro­ject is loca­ted in one of the inner cour­tyards of the cli­nic, in order to con­sti­tu­te “a nucleus” in the emp­ty spa­ce bet­ween the exi­sting facilities.

As the­re are no major typo­lo­gi­cal refe­ren­ces of Luthe­ran tem­ples, the pro­ject is inten­ded as a sim­ple and auste­re con­cept that revi­ves pre­do­mi­nant typo­lo­gies of this part of sou­thern Chi­le. Seeks the use of wood as a main mate­rial, both in its struc­tu­re and its coa­tings, a mate­rial pre­sent in the col­lec­ti­ve uncon­scious, which throu­gh its warmth enhan­ces the expe­rien­ce of reflec­tion and recollection.

The pro­ject is deve­lo­ped in only 55 m² with a rec­tan­gu­lar floor plan that is “trun­ca­ted” in the midd­le of its length, in order to empha­si­ze the spa­ce towards the altar, whi­le the shoul­ders rise increa­sing the sen­se of height on the altar, decrea­sing the width of the aisle. The altar and the cross are fra­med by the only ope­ning of the pro­ject with the gar­den in the back­ground, being the only entran­ce of light to the pla­ce of worship.

The rele­van­ce of wood in the desi­gn lies in the fact that it is the “uni­que ele­ment” of the archi­tec­tu­ral pro­po­sal, from its struc­tu­re to its clad­ding. The struc­tu­re, being expo­sed in its enti­re­ty to the inte­rior of the cha­pel, is part of the archi­tec­tu­ral expres­sion of the buil­ding, whi­le in its role as clad­ding it pro­vi­des a warm atmo­sphe­re and on the outsi­de the wood blends in with its natu­ral surroundings.

The pro­ject inclu­des a struc­tu­ral solu­tion based on engi­nee­red lami­na­ted wood. Due to its loca­tion in an inte­rior cour­tyard, with no access for trucks or machi­ne­ry, both the entry and assem­bly of the mate­rials was com­ple­te­ly manual. In addi­tion, mecha­ni­za­tion ensu­red a coor­di­na­ted desi­gn, mode­ling and fabri­ca­tion pro­cess, as well as easy pre-asse­m­­bly of the structures.

Con­cep­tual proposal

Wood was cho­sen for the pro­ject becau­se it is an iden­ti­fy­ing mate­rial in the con­struc­tion of tem­ples in sou­thern Chi­le. The idea is to use the mate­rial not only as a con­struc­ti­ve ele­ment, but as an ele­ment that gene­ra­tes the con­nec­tion bet­ween the built spa­ce, the visi­tor and the act of prayer or reflection.

We belie­ve that the pro­ject suc­ces­sful­ly rede­fi­nes a tra­di­tio­nal con­struc­tion system in sou­thern Chi­le throu­gh the indu­stria­li­za­tion and mecha­ni­za­tion of the mate­rial, without com­pro­mi­sing its essen­ce and for­mal expression.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici