Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2024

res­­su­­re­c­­tion-cha­­pel / Austria

Tom Lech­ner

Pro­get­ti­sta Tom Lech­ner
Loca­tion Straß (vis a vis pri­ma­ry school), 4881 Straß im Atter­gau, Austria
Nazio­ne Austria
Desi­gn Team

DI Tom Lechner

Anno 2020
Cre­di­ti Fotografici

Albre­cht Ima­nuel Schnabel

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The Resur­rec­tion Cha­pel, situa­ted in the exten­sion of an old gra­vel pit, defi­nes a new mee­ting pla­ce for Straß throu­gh its loca­tion. A con­cre­te brac­ket facing the slo­pe forms the distinc­ti­ve con­clu­sion of the local topo­gra­phy and defi­nes the address of the cha­pel. Via a casual­ly desi­gned fore­court, you are led throu­gh a cove­red entran­ce into the ante­room, from whe­re you are diver­ted at the end and led from behind into the open cha­pel room stri­ving upwards.
Throu­gh its reduc­tion to con­struc­tion and mate­ria­li­ty, this crea­tes an atmo­sphe­re that hides eve­ry­day life and thus invi­tes you to pau­se. At the top, the spa­­ce-defi­­ning walls dis­sol­ve into their con­struc­tion and, in com­bi­na­tion with the ver­ti­cal faca­de struc­tu­re, the hori­zon­tal sla­ts in the inte­rior and the inci­den­ce of light, crea­te a sacred atmo­sphe­re and unmi­sta­ka­ble identity.
The pos­si­ble uses of the Resur­rec­tion Cha­pel inclu­de non-deno­­mi­­na­­tio­­nal pur­po­ses such as devo­tions, ser­vi­ces or cele­bra­tions on the one hand and cul­tu­ral even­ts on the other.
“The pur­po­se of a cha­pel seems sim­ple, but its desi­gn inter­pre­ta­tion is varied. From the clas­sic desi­gn lan­gua­ge to the archi­tec­tu­ral avant-gar­­de, one tries to break out of the stan­dar­di­zed built eve­ry­day life and to ask que­stions. Que­stions that can­not only be answe­red by the loca­tion and the func­tion alo­ne, but rather by an indi­vi­dual exa­mi­na­tion of the idea of a “higher order”.
The Cha­pel of the Resur­rec­tion is my respon­se to an approach via archi­tec­tu­re. Archi­tec­tu­re in an unvar­ni­shed way, hone­st and mode­st in con­struc­tion and mate­ria­li­ty, self-con­­fi­­dent in expres­sion and unmi­sta­ka­ble in its iden­ti­ty.” (Arch. Tom Lechner)

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici