Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2024

ima­­cu­­la­­da-and-cheia-de-gra­­ca-cha­­pel / Portugal


Pro­get­ti­sta Antó­nio Jor­ge de Mou­ra Lei­tão Cere­jei­ra Fontes
Loca­tion R. de São Domin­gos 94B, 4710–435 Braga
Nazio­ne Por­tu­gal
Desi­gn Team

Antó­nio Jor­ge de Mou­ra Lei­tão Cere­jei­ra Fontes
André de Mou­ra Lei­tão Cere­jei­ra Fontes
Asb­jörn Andresen
Lisa Sigfridsson
Joa­quim Félix
Antó­nio Dias
Orlan­do Rodrigues
Bru­no Marques
Nuno Cruz
Duar­te Vilaça
Cri­stó­vão Piairo
Sónia Sousa
Mafal­da Ribeiro

Anno 2017
Cre­di­ti Fotografici

Nel­son Gar­ri­do — Inter­nal Pho­tos; Exter­nal Pho­tos 1, 2, and 3.
Gonça­lo Gomes — Exter­nal Pho­tos 4 and 5.

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The pro­ject focu­sed on the resto­ra­tion of the Ima­cu­la­da and Cheia de Graça Cha­pel, in the Minor Semi­na­ry of Bra­ga. A small woo­den fore­st fil­ters the access to the assem­bly and acts as a sup­port for the Ima­cu­la­da Cha­pel, which rises in the cano­py of the arbo­real struc­tu­re. Lost among the­se archi­tec­tu­ral trees, one can sur­ren­der com­ple­te­ly to the dimen­sion of the senses.

Sup­por­ted by a con­cea­led steel struc­tu­re that makes it appear as if suspen­ded in spa­ce, a sculp­tu­ral con­cre­te vault enve­lops the cha­pels in a light gestu­re that defies its own mate­ria­li­ty. The ope­nings in this dome, exten­ding in sli­ts along its con­cre­te walls, fil­ter the sun­light, impar­ting a sen­se of open­ness and a quiet digni­ty to the spa­ce – a spa­ce of abso­lu­te silen­ce. Becau­se of this vault, the cha­pel assu­mes a cir­cu­lar form that favors both mee­ting and pri­va­te intro­spec­tion. In the back­ground, a mar­ble slit, natu­ral­ly bac­klit, rises in one of the ori­gi­nal sto­ne walls, trans­por­ting the viewer to ano­ther phy­si­cal and spi­ri­tual dimension.

The total cei­ling height of the inter­ve­ning spa­ce and the outer walls of the room were taken advan­ta­ge of, expo­sing the exi­sting sto­ne “skin” that sur­rounds the cha­pel. This endo­ws the spa­ce with an acou­stic and tac­ti­le qua­li­ty: we can feel the spa­ce with our ears and our skin. The echoes of our steps along the church and the rever­be­ra­tion of the chan­ts on the sto­ne walls, the soft light that floods the pla­ce, the cold con­cre­te and the warm wood, the omni­pre­sent quiet­ness that is at once over­po­we­ring and com­for­ting – they all come toge­ther in a sin­gle, divi­ne expe­rien­ce of space.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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Foto inter­ni

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