Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2024

church-of-bea­­ti­­fied-resti­­tu­­te-brno-lesna-cz / Czech Republic

Radim Nos­sek

Pro­get­ti­sta Marek Ště­pán
Loca­tion Brno – Lesná, Nez­va­lo­va street, Czech Republic
Nazio­ne Czech Repu­blic
Desi­gn Team

Author: Marek Jan Štěpán
Col­la­bo­ra­tion: Fran­tišek Bry­ch­ta, Van­da Ště­pá­no­vá, Jan Vodič­ka, Mar­tin Kopecký
Faca­de dra­wings: Petr Kvíčala

Anno 2020
Cre­di­ti Fotografici

Pho­to: Boys plays nice, archi­ve of the archi­tec­tu­ral studio

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The sacred district is defi­ned by pla­teau with three basic forms — the church, the tower and the spi­ri­tual cen­tre. The church is built on the ground plan of a cir­cle, an ancient sym­bol of hea­ven and eter­ni­ty. The sha­pe of full­ness, the dot in the spa­ce of the nei­gh­bou­rhood, its spi­ri­tual vani­shing point, pla­ce to rest or gathe­ring. In its form anti­ci­pa­tes the inner silen­ce of the ente­ring per­son. The inte­rior of the church crea­tes the inner uni­ver­se, the spa­ce for com­mu­ni­ca­tion with God. It evo­kes a safe fee­ling, sere­ni­ty, undi­stur­bed by the outsi­de world, evo­kes fee­ling like in the mother’s womb. The soft and auste­re cur­ves of the buil­ding crea­te a dema­te­ria­li­sed inte­rior spa­ce fur­ther for­med by light from the upper annu­lar win­dow encir­cling the church under the roof. This 80-meter-long win­dow depic­ts a rain­bow as a sym­bol of God’s people’s cove­nant with the Lord. The inci­dent dif­fu­sed light is the most fun­da­men­tal sym­bol and has almo­st a super­na­tu­ral cha­rac­ter. Con­sciou­sly and uncon­sciou­sly, the light in the church depic­ts the exi­sten­ce of the world beyond the mate­rial rea­li­ty and the exi­sten­ce of God. The asym­me­tri­cal dome is cast into plank land­sca­pes, the matrix of which resem­bles a fin­ger­print, God’s fin­ger sym­bo­li­sing God’s touch. The sky retroac­ti­ve­ly reflec­ts in the rain­bow colou­red win­dow and it can be said that a cir­cle floa­ts over Lesná. In the meta­pho­ri­cal spi­ri­tual sen­se, the hea­ven floa­ts abo­ve Lesná. The tower with its floor plan of an equi­la­te­ral right-angled trian­gle stands apart from the church and is unli­ke histo­ric towers poin­ting only like a roc­ket to the hea­vens both ver­ti­cal and hori­zon­tal and new­ly defi­nes the arche­ty­pe of the con­tem­po­ra­ry church tower. With its 31 meters, it crea­tes a domi­nant for the sur­roun­ding area, althou­gh it is not tal­ler than the nei­gh­bou­ring pre­fa­bri­ca­ted houses.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
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Foto inter­ni

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