Det­ta­glio del pro­get­to ed. 2024

pre­­­sbi­­te­­rio-do-reci­n­­to-de-ora­­cao / Portugal


Pro­get­ti­sta Pau­la Santos
Loca­tion Cova da Iria, Fáti­ma, Portugal
Nazio­ne Por­tu­gal
Desi­gn Team

Pau­la San­tos | arqui­tec­tu­ra, Lda

Anno 2017
Cre­di­ti Fotografici

001 — Fer­nan­do Guerra
002 — Fer­nan­do Guerra
003 — Fer­nan­do Guerra
004 — Fer­nan­do Guerra
005 — Nel­son Garrido
101 — Fer­nan­do Guerra
102 — Fer­nan­do Guerra
103 — Fer­nan­do Guerra
104 — Fer­nan­do Guerra
105 — Fer­nan­do Guerra

Foto ester­ni

Descri­zio­ne del progetto

The Cen­te­na­ry of the Appa­ri­tions of Fati­ma and the visit of the Pope Fran­ci­sco on the 13th of May 2017, justi­fied the pro­ject and the con­struc­tion of the new Out­door Altar in the Prayer Area of Fati­ma, a per­ma­nent work for out­door ceremonies.
The exte­rior Out­door Altar inclu­des in the lower floor a Sacri­sty, a Cha­pel of the Sacred Reser­ve and sup­port areas for the priests.
The pro­ject also allo­wed the mobi­li­ty for the disa­bled to the old Basi­li­ca, the impro­ve­ment of the exi­sting colon­na­des and the rede­si­gn of the stair­ca­se to access all reli­gious structures.
A fiber­glass cover coa­ted on both sides was stu­died by the team pro­ject with INE­GI. The cover has 600 m² of suspen­ded area, sup­por­ted only by a block of whi­te con­cre­te within which are all tech­ni­cal and ver­ti­cal accesses.
The buil­din­g’s archi­tec­tu­re has the inter­ven­tion of Filip Moro­der for the Ima­ge of Chri­st, João Men­des Ribei­ro for the litur­gi­cal pla­ces and Fer­nan­da Fra­ga­tei­ro for the sculp­tu­re Maté­ria Espiritual.
The archi­tec­tu­ral inter­ven­tion has a grand sce­no­gra­phic impor­tan­ce in a sacred pla­ce and we inten­ded it to result subli­me and har­mo­nious in the vast pray­ing square.

Rela­zio­ne illu­stra­ti­va del progetto
Sca­ri­ca la relazione

Foto inter­ni

Dise­gni tecnici